Browse by Author Hossain, M.A.

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986An assesment of the relative superiority of using direct port medium for the isolation of shigella in the field condition[abstract]Morshed, M.G.; Rahaman, M.M.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Munshi, M.M.H.; Hossain, M.A.
Apr-1995Development and evaluation of co-agglutination test to detect rotavirus antigens in stools of patients with diarrhoeaIslam, M.N.; Hossain, M.A.; Rahman, M.; Yasmin, M.; Alam, A.N.; Hoque, M.; Sattar, H.
1986An epidemic of cholera caused by vibrio cholera in the vibrio non endemic area of Bangladesh[abstract]Munshi, M.M.H.; Morshed, M.G.; Hossain, M.A.; Rahaman, M.M.; Aziz, K.M.S.
1992Incidence of Aeromonas isolated from diarrhoeal children and study of some virulence factors in the isolatesHossain, M.A.; Rahman, K.M.; Asna, S.M.Z.H.; Rahim, Z.; Hussain, T.; Miah, M.R.A.
Dec-1991isolationof shigella SPP. using transport media and by direct plating in rural communities of Bangladeah: a comparative studyHasan, Kh. Zahid; Hossain, M.A.
1995Modified guaiac test in the evaluation of patients with infectious diarrhoea : can it replace stool microscopy[abstract]Bardhan, P.K.; Sponagel, L.; Beltinger, R.; Hossain, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Gyr, K.
Dec-1993Modiied guaic test in evaluation of patients with infectious diarrhoea : can IT replace stool microscopy[conference paper]Bardhan, P.K.; Beltinger, J.; Beltinger, R.; Hossain, M.A.; Gyr, K.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
Apr-1986Review of five years clinical services at rural Taknaf : an overview on the prevalence of amoebiasisMunshi, M.M.H.; Hossain, M.A.; Rahaman, M.M.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Morshed, M.G.