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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Nov-2007Aetiology and pathogenesis of chronic diarrhoeal illness in adultsAzad, A.K.; Islam, M.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Hoque, S.S.; Alam, A.N.; Butler, T.
Aug-1992Breast feeding and oral rehydration at home during diarrhoea to prevent dehydration.Faruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, D.; Islam, A.; Hoque, S.S.; Hasnat, A.
Jul-1993Common diarrhea pathogens and the risk of dehydration in young children with acute watery diarrhea: a case-control studyFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, D.; Islam, A.; Hoque, S.S.; Hasnat, A.
Mar-1992Emergence of multi-drug-resistant salmonella typhi : a need for therapeutic reappraisalKhan, M.R.; Hoque, S.S.
Jun-1994An epidemic of cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O139 in Dhaka, Bangladesh: clinical and epidemiological featuresMahalanabis, Dilip; Faruque, A.S.G.; Albert, M.J.; Salam, M.A.; Hoque, S.S.
Oct-1996Hypo-osmolar sucrose oral rehydration solutions in acute diarrhoea: a pilot studyFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Hamadani, J.; Hoque, S.S.
Mar-1995Hypotonic oral rehydration solution in acute diarrhoea: a controlled clinical trialMahalanabis, Dilip; Faruque, A.S.G.; Hoque, S.S.; Faruque, S.M.
15-Sep-1992Maternal immunization with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccineShahid, Nigar; Steinhoff, Mark C.; Qadri, F.; Hoque, S.S.; Eusof, Abu; Hossain, M.; Sack, R.B.; Chowdhury, T.A.; Begum, Kohinoor
Jun-1998A picture calendar to promote oral rehydration therapy at home for literate mothers : a motivational toolFaruque, A.S.G.; Hamadani, J.D.; Hoque, S.S.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
Dec-1997Randomized, controlled, clinical trial of rice versus glucose oral rehydration solutions in infants and young children with acute watery diarrhoeaFaruque, A.S.G.; Hoque, S.S.; Fuchs, G.J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
May-1994The relationship between ABO blood groups and suseceptibility to diarrhea to Vibrio cholerae 0139Faruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Hoque, S.S.; Albert, M. John
Nov-1995Serum, breast milk, and infant antibody after maternal immunisation with pneumococcal vaccineShahid, Nigar S.; Steinhoff, Mark C.; Hoque, S.S.; Begum, Tahmina; Thompson, Claudtte; Siber, George R.
Sep-1994Severity of cholera during concurrent infections with other enteric pathogensFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, D.; Islam, A.; Hoque, S.S.
Sep-1994Severity of cholera during concurrent infections with other enteric pathogens.Faruque, A.S.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Islam, A.; Hoque, S.S.
Jul-1994Studies of infection with Vibrio cholerae O139 synonym Bengal in family contacts of index casesFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Albert, M. John; Hoque, S.S.
Mar-1998Zinc supplimentation reduces the rate of prolonged diarrhea in children with acute diarrhea with no additional benefit from vitamin A[abstract]Mahalanabis, Dilip; Faruque, A.S.G.; Hoque, S.S.; Fuchs, G.J.; Habte, D.