Browse by Author Hoque, Bilqis Amin

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1985Biomass conversion as a source of energy conservation and recovery (conference paper)Hoque, Bilqis Amin
18-Jan-1990Development of an appropriate handwashing techniqueHoque, Bilqis Amin
Dec-1998Domestic water and health inside a flood control, drainage and irrigation project in BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Ahmed, Shafiqul A.; Chowdhury, J.T.A.; Chowdhury, U.K.; Chakrabarty, J.; Sack, R.B.
18-Sep-1996Drinking water quality and diarrheal diseases in an urban slum community: household interventions to improve water qualityHandzel, Thomas; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Sobsey, Mark; Moe, Christine; Ahsan, Syed Shamim
Dec-1991Environment and diarrhoea [book chapter]Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Sack, R. Bradley
1994Environment and health[book chapter]Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Hoque, M. Mozzammel
2-May-1991Environment and shigella dysentaryHoque, Bilqis Amin; Mahalanabis, Dilip
10-Mar-1996The impacts of exogenous technology on traditional resources management and the environment in rural BangladeshKranzlin, Irene; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Schneider-Sliwa, Rita; Gyr, Klaus
Jun-1991Maintaining village water pumps by women volunteers in BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, Zahid; Patwary, M.K.
25-Oct-1993Microbiological investigation of a duckweed project in MirzapurIslam, Md. Sirajul; Albert, M. John; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Shahid, Nigar S.; Ikramullah, M.; Sack, R.B.
Jun-1994Report on the Third Annual Scientific Conference (ASCONIII)Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Khan, M Shamsul Islam
Oct-1994Sanitation in a poor settlement in Bangladesh: a challenge for the 1990sHoque, Bilqis Amin; Hoque, M.M.; Ali, N.; Coghlan, Sarah E.
Oct-1995Water, sanitation, solid waste and hygiene education system in rural BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Ahmed, Shafiqul Azam; Munshi, M.H.; Baqui, A.H.; Hussain, A.M. Zakir
Apr-1997Workshop on action research on social mobilization for sanitationHoque, Bilqis Amin; Ahmed, Shafiul Azam; Mahmud, Abdullah-Al; Ahmad, Amin Uddin; Shafique, SAKM