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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-1995Conjunctival impression cytology fails to detect subclinical vitamin A deficiency in young childrenRahman, Mohammad M.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Islam, Momenul; Habte, Demissie; Khaled, Mohammad A.; Alvarez, Jose O.
Nov-1992Development of mother-child health (MCH) services in Matlab, Bangladesh[conference paper]Habte, Demissie
Feb-1999Double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of zinc or vitamin A supplementation in young children with acute diarrhoeaFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Haque, S.S.; Fuchs, G.J.; Habte, Demissie
Jun-1996Early complementary feeding is associated with low nutritional status of young infants recovering from diarrhoeaHaider, Rukhsana; Islam, Asma; Kabir, Iqbal; Habte, Demissie
Jan-1997Effect of early vitamin A supplementation on cell-mediated immunity in infants younger than 6 moRahman, Mohammad M.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Alvarez, Jose O.; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Islam, Mohammad A.; Habte, Demissie
1998Effect of vitamin A administration on response to oral polio vaccinationRahman, Mohammad M.; Alvarez, Jose O.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Islam, Mohammad A.; Unicomb, Leanne; Habte, Demissie; Fuchs, George J.
1997Matlab findings :ICDDR,B has greatly contributed to Bangladesh's excellence in family planningHabte, Demissie
Jan-2000Neonatal diarrhea in a diarrhea treatment center in Bangladesh: clinical presentation, breastfeeding management and outcomeHaider, Rukhsana; Kabir, Iqbal; Fuchs, George J.; Habte, Demissie
1992Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 1-10 weeks in a diarrhoeal disease hospital : how effective can it beHaider, Rukhsana; Islam, Asma; Habte, Demissie
2-May-1991Purification and characterisation of antishigella active pronciples from herbsAhmed, Kamaluddin; Jahan, K.; Haider, Khaleda; Habte, Demissie
Apr-1997Vitamin A megadoses during early infancy on serum rentinol concentration and acute side effects and residual effects on 6 month follow upMahalanabis, Dilip; Rahman, Mohammad A.; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Islam, Mohammad A.; Habte, Demissie