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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983Amoebiasis and giardiasis in Bangladesh: parasitological and serological studiesHossain, M. Moshaddeque; Ljungstrom, Inger; Glass, Roger I.; Lundin, Lena; Stoll, Barbara J.; Huldt, Gunnel
Dec-1982Antibiotic use in a rural community in BangladeshHossain, M. Moshaddeque; Glass, Roger I.; Khan, M.R.
Oct-1997Anticipating rotavirus vaccines: hospital-based surveillance for rotavirus diarrhea and estimates of disease burden in BangladeshUnicomb, Leanne E.; Kilgore, Paul E.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Hamadani, Jena D.; Fuchs, George J.; Albert, M. John; Glass, Roger I.
Jul-1998Astrovirus infection in association with acute, persistent and nosocomial diarrhea in BangladeshUnicomb, Leanne E.; Banu, Nurun Nahar; Azim, Tasnim; Islam, Asma; Bardhan, P.K.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Hall, Andrew; Moe, Christine L.; Noel, Jacqueline S.; Monroe, Stephan S.; Albert, M. John; Glass, Roger I.
Nov-1981The Biken Test for Detection of Enterotoxin(LT) A Laboratory ManualHonda, Takeshi; Akhter, Qudsiya; Glass, Roger I.
Oct-1983Changes in serotypes of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in Dhaka over time: usefulness of polyvalent antiseraStoll, Barbara J.; Rowe, Bernard; Glass, Roger I.; Gross, Roger J.; Huq, Imdadul
28-Sep-1991Cholera in Africa: lessons on transmission and control for Latin AmericaGlass, Roger I.; Claeson, Mariam; Blake, Paul A.; Waldman, Ronald J.; Pierce, Nathaniel F.
1981Cholera in breast fed infants : is low prevalence of hospitalization due to behavioural vs biological factors[abstract]Glass, Roger I.; Khan, M.R.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Holmgren, Jan
1985Cholera in breast-fed childrenGlass, Roger I.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Stoll, Barbara; Khan, M.R.; Holmgren, Jan
Mar-1984Cholera in Indonesia: epidemiologic studies of transmission in Aceh ProvinceGlass, Roger I.; Alim, A.R.M.A.; Eusof, Abu; Snyder, John D.; Jusuf, Burhanuddin; Anwar, Syarifuddin; Bakri, Zainal; Helmi, Cut; Winardi, Bambang
Oct-1982Clinical trial of ampicillin v. trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole in the treatment of Shigella dysenteryYunus, M.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Farooque, A.S.G.; Glass, Roger I.
18-Dec-1981Determination of the occurrence of different fastidious enteric adenoviruses (FEAs) and an evaluation of their pathogenic role in viral diarrhoea in BangladeshWadell, Goran; Glass, Roger I.; Huq, M.I.; Stoll, B.J.
Dec-1981Determination of the occurrence of different fasttidious entric adenoviruses (FEAs) and an evaluation of their pathogenic role in viral diarrhoea in BangladeshWadell, Goran; Glass, Roger I.; Huq, M.I.; Stoll, B.J.
Feb-1989Effects of undernutrition on infection with Vibrio cholerae O1 and on response to oral cholera vaccineGlass, Roger I.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Stoll, Barbara J.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, Shamsul; Huq, M. Imdadul; Holmgren, Jan
Dec-1982Endemic cholera in rural Bangladesh, 1966-1980Glass, Roger I.; Becker, Stan; Huq, M. Imdadul; Stoll, Barbara J.; Khan, M.U.; Merson, Michael H.; Lee, John V.; Black, Robert E.
3-Mar-1980Epidemiologic and clinical studies of multiply antibiotic resistant vibrios (MARV) in MatlabGlass, Roger I.; Huq, Imdadul; Roy, S.K.; Yunus, Md.
1983Epidemiological studies of classial vibrio cholerae 01 using plasmid, chromosome and phage DNA[abstract]Cook, Warren L.; Wachsmuth, Kaye; Johnson, Steven R.; Kaper, James B.; Huq, Imdadul; Glass, Roger I.
1986Epidemiological studies of classical vibrio cholerae 01 using plasmid, chromosome and phage DNACook, Warren L.; Wachsmuth, Kaye; Johnson, Steven R.; Kaper, James B.; Huq, Imdadul; Glass, Roger I.
25-Jan-1980Evaluation of tetracycline therapy in patients with cholera due to tetracycline resistant choleraYnus, Md.; Roy, S.K.; Bardhan, P.K.; Glass, Roger I.; Baqui
Jun-1999Evidence of high-frequency genomic reassortment of group A rotavirus strains in Bangladesh: emergence of type G9 in 1995Unicomb, Leanne E.; Podder, Goutam; Gentsch, Jon R.; Woods, Patricia A.; Hasan, K. Zahid; Faruque, A.S.G.; Albert, M. John; Glass, Roger I.