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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1996Abnormalities of gastric acid secretion in infectious entric diseases[abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Evans, C.
Mar-1980A brief account on the life history of hippeutis umbilicalis (Benson) (Planorbidae : Gastropoda) under laboratory condition[abstract]Rahman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Gilman, R.H.
May-1981Circulating immune complexes in bacillary and amebic dysenteryKoster, F.T.; Tung, K.S.K.; Gilman, R.H.; Ahmed, A.; Rahaman, M.M.; Williams, R.C. Jr.
1983COmparision of six anthelmintic agents against Fasciolopsis buski infection [abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.
Jul-1982Endemic focus of Fasciolopsis buski infection in BangladeshGilman, R.H.; Mondal, G.; Maksud, M.; Alam, K.; Rutherford, E.; Gilman, J.B.; Khan, M.U.
1979Host parasite relationship of fasciolopsis buski (Lankester) with the fresh water snail hippeutic umbilicalis (Benson) and Segmentina trochoidus (Benson) [abstract]Khurshed, A.S.M.; Gilman, R.H.; Shahadat, Ali; Mondol, G.
Apr-1979Identification of gallbladder typhoid carriers by a string deviceGilman, R.H.; Islam, S.; Rabbani, H.; Ghosh, H.
19-May-1983Intestinal fluid loss in Shigella dysentery: role of oral rehydration therapyRabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Spira, W.M.
1983Prealbumin- an indication of disease severity in amebic colitis[abstractGilman, R.H.; Koster, F.; Robbans, G.H.; Islam, A.; Wahid, A.
Aug-1981Protein-losing enteropathy in diarrhoea application of (alpha) 1 -antitrypsin assayWahed, M.A.; Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Gilman, R.H.; Greenough III, W.B.
Nov-1981Single dose ampiciline therapy for the treatment of severe shigellosis in Bangladesh[conference paper]Rabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Spira, W.
Nov-1981Single dose piperazine therapy for Ascaris lumbricoides: an unsuccessful method of promoting growthGreenberg, B.L.; Gilman, R.H.; Shapiro, H.; Gilman, J.B.; Mondal, G.; Maksud, M.; Khatoon, H.; Chowdhury, J.
Mar-1980Single versus multiple dose of ampicillin in Shigella dysentery[abstract]Rabbani, Hasan; Gilman, R.H.; Spira, W.
Feb-1981Single-dose ampicillin therapy for severe shigellosis in BangladeshGilman, R.H.; Spira, W.; Rabbani, H.; Ahmed, W.; Islam, A.; Rahaman, M.M.
Jun-1979Studies on the incidence of measles in Bangladeshi rural children and its association with diarrhoea and malnutritionRabbani, Hassan; Mumtaj, Asma; Gilman, R.H.
1985The treatment of Fasciolopsis buski infection in children: a comparison of thiabendazole, mebendazole, levamisole, pyrantel pamoate, hexylresorcinol and tetrachloroethyleneRabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Kabir, I.; Mondel, Gabriel