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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Detection of non-culturable Shigella dysenteriae 1 from artificially contaminated volunteers' fingers using fluorescent antibody and PCR techniques.Islam, M.S.; Hossian, M.Z.; Khan, S.I.; Felsenstein, A.; Sack, R.B.; Albert, M.J.
Sep-1995Detection of non-culturable Vibrio cholerae 0139, by PCR and fluorescent antibody methods, in laboratory microcosms [short communication]Islam, M.S.; Alam, M.J,; Miah, M.A.; Felsenstein, A.; SAck, R.B.
Mar-1996Occurrence of culturable Vibrio cholerae O139 with ctx gene in various components of the aquatic environment in BangladeshIslam, M.S.; Alam, M.J.; Begum, A.; Rahim, Z.; Felsenstein, A.; Albert, M. John
29-Dec-1992Role of variuos aquatic flora, fauna and physicochemical conditions of water in maintaining endemicity and seasonality of cholera in BangladeshIslam, Md. Sirajul; Siddique, A.K.; Albert, M.J.; Huq, A.; Felsenstein, A.; Sack, R.B.; Colwell, R.R.
5-Nov-2007Spatial distribution of watery diarrhoea in children of less than 5 years from the rural community in BangladeshMyaux, J.; Ali, M.; Felsenstein, A.; Chakraborty, J.; de Francisco, A.
1997Spatial distribution of watery diarrhoea in children: identification of "risk areas" in a rural community in BangladeshMyaux, J.; Ali, M.; Felsenstein, A.; Chakraborty, J.; de Francisco, A.
13-Nov-2007Survival potential of non-culturable vibrio cholerae 01 by laboratoryIslam, M.S.; Miah, M.A.; Moniruzzaman, M.S.; Begum, S.; Felsenstein, A.; Sack, R.B.; Albert, M.J.
Feb-1993Use of the polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent-antibody methods for detecting viable but nonculturable Shigella dysenteriae type 1 in laboratory microcosmsIslam, M.S.; Hasan, M.K.; Miah, M.A.; Sur, G.C.; Felsenstein, A.; Venkatesan, M.; Sack, R.B.; Albert, M.J.