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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-19691966-67 cholera vaccine field trial in rural East PakistanMosley, Wiley Henry; McCormack, W.M.; Fahimuddin, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Ahmed, A.; Martin, A.R.; Feeley, J.C.; Phillips, R.A.
1968Cholera vaccine field trials in east Pakistan: 2. effectiveness in the fieldBenenson, A.S.; Mosley, W.H.; Fahimuddin, M.; Oseasohn, R.O.
Feb-1965Field trial of cholera vaccine in rural East Pakistan: first year of observationOseasohn, R.O.; Benenson, A.S.; Fahimuddin, M.
Jan-1967Presents trends of birth and death in rural East Pakistan: a preliminary reportAziz, K.M.A.; Mosley, W.H.; Fahimuddin, M.; McCormack, W.M.; Islam, M.S.
1969Report of the 1966-67 cholera vaccine field trial in rural East Pakistan. I. Study design and results of the first year of observation.Mosley, Wiley Henry; McCormack, William M,; Fahimuddin, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S. Mizanur; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Martin, Albert R.; Feeley, John C.; Phillips, Robert A.
1972Report of the 1966-67 cholera vaccine trial in rural East PakistanMosley WH, Wiley Henry; Aziz, K.M.S.; Rahman, A.S. Mizanur; Chowdhury, Alauddin A.K.M.; Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Fahimuddin, M.
1967The vibriocidal antibody titer as a measure of immunity to cholera in man[conference paper]Mosley, W. H.; McCormeck, W. M.; Benenson, A. S.; Ahmed, A.; Barui, R.; Rahman, M.; Aziz, K. M. A.; Fahimuddin, M.
Jul-1967The vibriocidal antibody titer as a measure of immunity to cholera in man [conference paper]Mosley, W.H.; McCormack, W.H.; Benenson, A.S.; Ahmed, A.; Barui, R.; Rahman, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Fahimuddin, M.