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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1975Analysis of risk factors in cholera infected baris[book chapter]Curlin, George
1975Antitoxin and vibriocidal responses in the toxoid field trial serologic survey[abstract]Curlin, George; Ahmed, Ansaruddin
2-Feb-1974CholeraAziz, K.M.S.; Curlin, George
1976Cholera toxoid field trial[abstract]Curlin, George; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, Mizanur; Levine, Richard; Verwey, Willard F.
1975Comparison of clinical expression of diarrhoea among field trial patients[book chapter]Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Curlin, George
1976Contraceptive distribution project[book chapter]Huber, Douglas H.; Curlin, George; Khan, Atiqur Rahmann; Chakraborty, J.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M.
Oct-1974Current progress in the cholera toxoid field trial in Bangladesh[abstract]Curlin, George
1975Development of a passive hemagglutination technique for estimation of cholera antitoxin using human O-Rh negative erythrocytes and purified choleragen[book chapter]Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Curlin, George; Neogi, P.K. Bose
Dec-1980Diarrhoeal disease in Bangladesh: epidemiology, mortality averted and costs at a rural treatment centreOberle, Mark W.; Merson, Michael H.; Islam, M. Shafiqul; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Huber, Douglas H.; Curlin, George
1975Effects of the Bangladesh civil war on birth and death rates in Matlab[abstract]Curlin, George
1976Epidemiology of E. COli diarrhea[book chapter]Curlin, George; McLaughlin, James; Nalin, David; Rahman, Mizanur
1976Growth and development studies, Meharan[book chapter]Khan, M.U.; Curlin, George
1975Objective indices of social class in Agrarian families in Matlab[book chapter]Islam, Shafiqul; Curlin, George
1975Role of learned behavior in the transmission of cholera[book chapter]Aziz, K.M.A.; Curlin, George
1974Shigellae dysentery : a new health hazard in BangladeshKhan, M.U.; Curlin, George
1976Study of urban cholera epidemic of Dacca 1974 and 1975[book chapter]Khan, M.U.; Curlin, George
1975Summary of experimental design and data relating to efficacy of wyeth 21201 cholera toxoid[abstract]Curlin, George
Mar-1975Titration of cholera anti-toxin by rabbit skin assay at the cholera research laboratory[book chapter]Al-Mahmud, Kh. Abdullah; Curlin, George
Mar-1975Urban cholera epidemic, 1974[book chapter]Khan, M.U.; Curlin, George