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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
19881985 field trial of oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: background studies on the method of vaccine delivery, vaccine immunogenecity, and vaccine safety[book chapter]Clemens, J.; Sack, D.; Stanton, B.; Chakraborty, J.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.; Harris, J.; Rahman, A.; Ahmed, F.; Rahaman, S.; Banik, A.; Yunus, M.; Chowdhury, S.; Ali, M.; Holmgren, J.; Jertborn, M.; Svennerholm, A.M.
Jul-1984Analytical investigations into the mortality implications of anthropometric scales and into the development of new mortality-targeted scalesBriend, A.; Clemens, J.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.
20-Jun-1984Analytical investigations into the mortality implications of anthropometric scals and into the development of new mortality targeted scalsBriend, A.; Clemens, J.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.
Nov-1993Breast-feeding and the risk of life-threatening rotavirus diarrhea: prevention or postponementClemens, J.; Rao, M.; Ahmed, F.; Huda, S.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, M.; Khan, M.R.; Ali, M.; Kay, B.; van Loon, F.; Sack, D.
1989Descriptive epidemiology of persistent diarrhoea among young children in rural northern IndiaBhan, M.K.; Bhandari, N.; Sazawal, S.; Clemens, J.; Raj, P.; Levine, M.M.; Kaper, J.B.
1985Follow -up children discharged from urban hospital after treatment for diarrhoea [abstract]Stanton, B.; Clemens, J.; Shahid, N.S.; Khair, T.
Oct-1995Impaired immune response to natural infection as a correlate of vaccine failure in a field trial of killed oral cholera vaccinesClemens, J.; Rao, M.; Sack, D.; Ahmed, F.; Khan, M.R.; Chakraborty, J.; Kay, B.; Huda, S.; Yunus, M.; van Loon, F.; Svennerholm, A.-M.; Holmgren, J.
1993Oral B Subunit-whole cell cholera vaccine[book chapter]Holmgren, J.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Sack, D.A.; Clemens, J.; Greenough, W.B.; Glass, R.I.; Black, R.; Levine, M.