Browse by Author Cash, Richard A.

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-1969Acetate in the correction of acidosis secondary to diarrhoeaCash, Richard A.; Toha, Khondakar M. M.; Nalin, David R.; Huq, Zahidul; Phillips, Robert A.
Aug-1969Aspects of the current understanding of the pathophysiology of choleraCash, Richard A.
1971Clinical studies of the use of bacteriophage in the treatment of choleraMarcuk, L.M.; Nikiforov, V.N.; Scerbak, J.F.; Levitov, T.A.; Kotljarova, R.I,; Naumsina, M.S.; Davydov, S.U.; Monsur, K.A.; Rahman, M.A.; Latif, M.A.; Northrup, R.S.; Cash, Richard A.; Hug, I.; Dey, C.R.; Phillips, Robert A.
Jul-1970Clinical trial of oral therapy in a rural cholera-treatment centerCash, Richard A.; Nalin, David R,; Rochat, Roger; Reller, L. Barth; Haque, Zahedul A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur
Sep-1970Effect of glycine and glucose on sodium and water absorption in patients with choleraNalin, Devid R.; Cash, Richard A.; Rahman, M.; Yunus, Md.
1970Gastric acid secretion in cholera patients(letter)Cash, Richard A.; Alam, Jamiul; Toaha, K.M.
Jun-1970Kaolin and choleraNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.
1969On cholera(editorial)Cash, Richard A.
1965Oral cholera therapy : value of oral infusion of solutions of electrolytes and glycine with and without glucose[conference]Cash, Richard A.; Nalin, David R.
17-Aug-1968Oral maintenance therapy for cholera in adultsNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.; Islam, Rafiqul; Molla, Majid; Phillips, Robert A.
1970Oral or nasogastric maintenance therapy for diarrhoea of unknown aetiology resembling choleraNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.
Feb-1971Oral or nasogastric maintenance therapy in pediatric cholera patientsNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.
1970Oral or nasogastric therapy for choleraNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.
Sep-1970Rapid correction of acidosis and dehydration of cholera with oral electrolyte and glucose solutionCash, Richard A.; Forrest, John N.; Nalin, David R.; Abrutyn, Elias
1968Recent developments in the pathophysiology of cholera[abstract]Cash, Richard A.
1973Renal fuction in acute asiateic choleraCash, Richard A.; Lehman, J.S. Jr.; Hare, R.S.; Nalin, David R.
Mar-1997The status of ORT (oral rehydration therapy) in Bangladesh: how widely is it usedChowdhury, A. Mushtaque R.; Karim, Fazlul; Sarkar, S.K.; Cash, Richard A.; Bhuiya, Abbas
1983Therapeutic interventions in diarrhea[book chapter]Rohde, Jon E.; Cash, Richard A.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Mahalanabis, Dillip; Molla, A.M.; Valyasevi, Aree
1973Transport of glucose and amino acids in human jejunum during Asiatic choleraRohde, Jon E.; Cash, Richard A.
1973Trimethorprim and sulfamethoxazole in clinical choleraCash, Richard A.; Northrup, Robert S.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur