Browse by Author Brown, K.H.

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1995Comparision of indirect methods for assessing Vitamin A status with hepatic Vitamin A concentration in Bangladeshi surgical patients[abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Handelman, G.J.; Peerson, J.M.; Ahmed, A.; Rabbi, A.; Awal, M.A.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, K.H.
Oct-1994Comparison of indirect methods for assessing Vitamin A status with hepatic Vitamin A concenttration in Bangladeshi surgical patients [abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Handelman, G.J.; Peerson, J.M.; Ahmed, A.; Rabbi, A.; Awal, M.A.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, K.H.
1997Comparison of plasma kinetics of an oral dose of tetra-deuterated retinyl acetate (TDRA) in human volunteers with estimated low or high total body stores of Vitamin A[abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Handelman, G.J.; Islam, M.A.; Jones, A.D.; Peerson, J.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, K.H.
1996Evaluation of an algorithm for the treatment of persistent diarrhoea: a multicentre studyAshraf, H.; Bhan, M.K.; Bhatnagar, S.; Bhutta, Z.; Brown, K.H.; Dung, P.T.; Fontaine, O.
1992Lack of therapeutic efficacy of vitamin A for non-cholera, watery diarrhoea in Bangladeshi childrenHenning, B.; Stewart, K.; Zaman, K.; Alam, A.N.; Brown, K.H.; Black, R.E.
1999Prevention of diarrhea and pneumonia by zinc supplementation in children in developing countries: pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials. Zinc Investigators' Collaborative GroupBhutta, Z.A.; Black, R.E.; Brown, K.H.; Gardner, J. Meeks; Gore, S.; Hidayat, A.; Khatun, F.; Martorell, R.; Ninh, N.X.; Penny, M.E.; Rosado, J.L.; Roy, S.K.; Ruel, M.; Sazawal, S.; Shankar, A.
Aug-1981Relationship of the xylose absorption status of children in Bangladesh to their absorption of macronutrients from local dietsBrown, K.H.; Khatun, M.; Ahmed, G.
Mar-2001Response of estimated total body vitamin A stores to daily supplementation with green leafy vegetables or sweet potatoes in healthy Bangladeshi men[abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Jamil, K.M.A.; Peerson, J.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Fuchs, J.G.; Brown, K.H.
Sep-1978Sucrose or glucose : which sugar to use in oral rehydration solution, a summary of four clinical trialsSack, David A.; Islam, Sirajul; Merson, M.H.; Brown, K.H.; Black, R.E.; Rahman, M.; Chowdhury, M.A.K.A.; Ali, M.A.
1997Use of the deuterated retinol dilution (DRD) technique to assess total body vitamin A reserves of adult volunteers consuming different levels of vitamin A [abstract]Brown, K.H.; Haskell, M.J.; Mazumder, R.N.; Jones, A.D.; Peerson, J.M.; Wahed, M.; Mahalanabis, Dilip