Browse by Author Blum, Lauren S.

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Cultural and social context of dysentery: implications for the introduction of a new vaccineBlum, Lauren S.; Nahar, Nazmun
Jun-2004Cultural and social context of dysentery: implications for the introduction of a new vaccine.Blum, Lauren S.; Nahar, Nazmul
2006Household Costs of Healthcare during Pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period: a case study from Matlab, BangladeshBorghi, Josephine; Sabina, Nazme; Blum, Lauren S.; Hoque, Mohammad Enamul; Ronsmans, Carine
Oct-2004Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Bangladesh: early findings from a cluster-randomised studyArifeen, Shams E.I.; Blum, Lauren S.; Hoque, DM. Emdadul; Chowdhury, Enayet K.; Khan, Rasheda; Black, Robert E.; Victora, Cesar G.; Bryce, Jennifer
2004Investigation of the Nipah Virus Outbreak: An in-depth examination of beliefs and practices associated with the diseaseBlum, Lauren S.
Apr-2009Postpartum haemorrhage and eclampsia: differences in knowledge and care-seeking behaviour in two districts of BangladeshKalim, Nahid; Anwar, Iqbal; Khan, Jasmin; Blum, Lauren S.; Moran, Allisyn C.; Botlero, Roslin; Koblinsky, Marge
2017Qualitative study examining migration, maternal health care, and family planning practices among slum dwellers living in Dhaka and ChittagongGazi, Rukhsana; Nahar, Quamrun; Shelly, Sayeda Bilkis; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Blum, Lauren S.
2001The socio-cultural and behavioral component for dysentery studyBlum, Lauren S.