Showing results 1 to 20 of 31
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jun-1997 | Acute respiratory infections in children: a community-based longitudinal study in rural Bangladesh | Zaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, M.; Sack, R.B.; Bateman, O.M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E. |
May-1996 | Association between nutritional status, cell-mediated immune status and acute lower respiratory infections in Bangladeshi children | Zaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md.; Sack, R.B.; Bateman, O.M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E. |
Jun-2001 | Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: an update | Baqui, A.H.; Sabir, A.A.; Begum, N.; Arifeen, S.E.; Mitra, S.N.; Black, R.E. |
1998 | Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: results of a nationwide verbal autopsy study | Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.; Arifeen, S.E.; Hill, K.; Mitra, S.N.; Al Sabir, A. |
2000 | Children's fluid intake during diarrhea : a comparision of questionnaire responses with data from observations[abstract] | Zaman, K.; Sack, D.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md.; Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E. |
2002 | Children's fluid intake during diarrhoea: a comparison of questionnaire responses with data from observations | Zaman, K.; Sack, D.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, M.; Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E. |
Sep-2001 | Community randomized trial of zinc supplementation started during diarrhea reduces morbidity and mortality in Bangladeshi children[abstract] | Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.; Arifeen, S.E.; Yunus, Md.; Chakraborty, J.; Ahmed, S.; Vaughan, J.P. |
Mar-1998 | Determinants of infant growth in the slums of Dhaka city: size and maturity at birth and breast-feeding | Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Nahar, Q.; Alamgir, S.; Mahmud, H.; Baqui, A.H. |
Mar-2001 | Determinants of infant growth in the slums of Dhaka: size and maturity at birth, breastfeeding and morbidity | Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Caulfield, L.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H. |
2001 | Diagnosis and management of febrile children using the WHO/UNICEF guidelines for IMCI in Dhaka, Bangladesh | Factor, S.H.; Schillinger, J.A.; Kalter, H.D.; Saha, S.; Begum, H.; Hossain, A.; Hossain, M.; Dewitt, V.; Hanif, M.; Khan, N.; Perkins, B.; Black, R.E.; Schwartz, B. |
Mar-1998 | Effect of birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation and prematurity on infant survival: a prospective study in the slums of Dhaka city | Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Nahar, Q.; Mahmud, H.; Alamgir, S.; Baqui, A.H. |
Dec-2001 | Effect of zinc supplementation on clinical course of acute diaffhoea | Bahl, R.; Baqui, A.; Bhan, M.K.; Bhatnagar, S.; Black, R.E.; Brooks, A.; Cuevas, L.E.; Dutta, P.; Frischer, R.; Ghosh, S.; Malhotra, S.; Penny, M.; Roy, S.K.; Sachdev, H.P.S.; Sack, D.A.; Sazawal, S.; Strand, T.; Fontaine, O.; Patwari, A.K.; Raina, N.; Khanum, S. |
Jun-1984 | Effects of diarrhea associated with specific enteropathogens on the growth of children in rural Bangladesh | Black, R.E.; Brown, K. H.; Becker, S. |
18-Nov-2007 | Exclusive breast-feeding reduces ARI and diarrhoea deaths among infants in | Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H. |
Mar-1998 | Infant growth patterns in the slums of Dhaka in relation to birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, and prematurity(abstracts) | Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H. |
Sep-2001 | Interaction and impact of zinc and Vitamin A supplementation on zinc and retinol status in preschool children living in urban slum in Bangladesh[abstract] | Wahed, M.A.; Albert, M.J.; Ahmed, T.; Qadri, F.; Malek, M.A.; Fuchs, G.J.; Clemens, J.D.; Black, R.E. |
1992 | Lack of therapeutic efficacy of vitamin A for non-cholera, watery diarrhoea in Bangladeshi children | Henning, B.; Stewart, K.; Zaman, K.; Alam, A.N.; Brown, K.H.; Black, R.E. |
May-1994 | Levels and correlates of maternal nutritional status in urban Bangladesh | Baqui, A.H .; Arifeen, S.E.; Amin, S.; Black, R.E. |
Sep-1997 | Malnutrition, cell-mediated immune deficiency and acute upper respiratory infections in rural Bangladeshi children | Zaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md; Sack, R.B.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E. |
Feb-1984 | Oral rehydration solution safely used in breast-fed children without additional water | Roy, S.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Black, R.E. |