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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Assessment of quality of the MCH-FP services provided by field workers in Zone 3 of Dhaka city and strategies for improvementPerry, Henery B.; Begum, Suraiya; Begum, Anwara; Kane, Thomas Trudeau; Quaiyum, Md. Abdul; Baqui, Abdullah H.
1999A comprehensive assessment of the quality of services provided by family planning field workers in one major area of Dhaka city, BangladeshPerry, Henry B.; Begum, Suraiya; Begum, Anwara; Kane, Thomas T.; Quaiyum, M. Abdul; Baqui, Abdullah H.
2001Coping with changing conditions: alternative strategies for the delivery of maternal and child health and family planning services in Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Developing alternative service delivery strategies for MCH-FP Services in urban areas : findings from an experimentRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Establishing a systematic pricing mechanism for MCH-FP services of NGOs in Urban Bangladesh : a preliminary assessmentQuayyum, Zahidul; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Mazumder, Mahbub Alam; Begum, Anwara; Sobhani, Jahanara
1997Information systems for urban health : findings from the clinic information ystem interventionAzim, Tariq; Mookherji, Sangeeta; Tunon, Cris; Begum, Anwara; Rasul, Rafia; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
17-Dec-1992Maternal morbidity and choice of delivery care provider in the urban slums of Dhaka, BangladeshFronczak, Nancy; Amin, Selina; Begum, Anwara; Sack, Bradly
1997Practical experiences from developing cost management skills of CWFP programme managersBarb, Nadia; Thwin, Aye Aye; Routh, Subrata; Levin, Ann; Mookherji, Sangeeta; Yousuf, Abu; Begum, Anwara