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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-1981The 1978 sex ratio at birth(Appendix to demographic surveillance system-Matlab, 1978)Becker, Stan; Chowdhury, Mridul K.
Apr-1982Acquisition of serum antibody to Norwalk Virus and rotavirus and relation to diarrhea in a longitudinal study of young children in rural BangladeshBlack, Robert E.; Greenberg, Harry B.; Kapikian, Albert Z.; Brown, Kenneth H.; Becker, Stan
Nov-1978Birth interval dynamicsBecker, Stan
Dec-1979Birth interval lynamicsBecker, Stan
Aug-1989Birth-interval dynamics in rural Bangladesh and maternal weightFord, Kathleen; Huffman, Sandra L.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Becker, Stan; Allen, Hubert; Menken, Jane
10-Dec-1981Cholera seasonality and geographical patterns in Matlab 1966-1979Becker, Stan; Glass, Roger; Khan, M.U.
Mar-1981Cholera seasonality and geographical patterns in Matlab 1966-1979Becker, Stan; Glass, Roger; Khan, M.U.
Apr-1982Clinical and field studies of human lactation: methodological considerationsBrown, Kenneth H.; Black, Robert E.; Robertson, Alastair D.; Akhtar, Naheed Ahmed; Ahmed, Giashuddin; Becker, Stan
Mar-1981Comparison of measures of childbearing : patterns by age and parity in Matlab, BangladeshBecker, Stan; Hiltabldle, Helen
Nov-1982Consumption of foods and nutrients by weanlings in rural BangladeshBrown, Kenneth H.; Black, Robert E.; Becker, Stan; Nahar, Shamsun; Sawyer, John
1982Contamination of weaning foods and transmission of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhoea in children in rural BangladeshBlack, Robert E.; Brown, Kenneth H.; Becker, Stan; Alim, A.R.M.A. Abdul; Merson, Michael H.
1992Contraceptive use in Matlab, Bangladesh: the role of gender preferenceRahman, Mizanur; Akbar, Jalaluddin; Phillips, James F.; Becker, Stan
May-1981Demographic surveillance system Matlab, vol 7 : vital events and migration- 1978Chowdhury, Mridul K.; Becker, Stan; Razzaque, Abdur; Sarder, A.M.; Shaikh, Kashem; Chen, Lincoln C.
Apr-1982DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM-MATLAB - Volume EightBecker, Stan; Razzaque, Abdur; A.M., Sarder
May-1982DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM-MATLAB - Volume NineChowdhury, Mridul K.; Razzaque, Abdur; Becker, Stan; Sarder, A.M; D'Souza, Stan
Apr-1982Demographic surveillance system-Matlab Vol 8: census update 1978Becker, Stan; Razzaque, Abdur; Sarder, A.M.
May-1982Demographic surveillance system-Matlab Vol 9: vital events migration- 1979Chowdhury, Mridul K.; Razzaque, Abdur; Becker, Stan; Sarder, A.M.; D'Souza, Stan
May-1981Determinants of natural fertility study vol 1: methods and descriptive tables for the prospective study 1975-1978Chowdhury, A.K.M.Alauddun; Becker, Stan
1987The effect of oral contraceptive acceptance on fertility in the postpartum periodBhatia, Shushum; Becker, Stan; Kim, Young J.
1982The effect on fecundity of pill acceptance during postpartum amenorrhea in rural BangladeshBhatia, Shushum; Becker, Stan; Kim, Young J.