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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Coping with changing conditions: alternative strategies for the delivery of maternal and child health and family planning services in Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Cost-effectiveness and sustainability aspects of MCH-FP programmes in Bangladesh : a review of the past and present programesRouth, Subrata; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Developing alternative service delivery strategies for MCH-FP Services in urban areas : findings from an experimentRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997The distribution of selected health and family planning services in Dhaka CityTunon, Cristobal; Mazumder, Mahbub; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Bhuiyan, Mohammed A.; Arifeen, Shams EL
2000Epidemiology and surveillance of multidrug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis and assessment of directly observed therapy short course (DOTS) programme in selected areas of BangladeshZaman, K.; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Zeaur, Rahim
1997The essential services package (ESP) : protocols for primary health careArifeen, Shams El; Amin, Selina; Begum, Suraiya; Ahmed, Shameem; Ahmed, Mohsin Uddin; Khanam, Rasheda; Cristobal, Tunon; Manaf, Samina; Parveen, Sadia D.; Sobhan, Farzana; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Establishing a systematic pricing mechanism for MCH-FP services of NGOs in Urban Bangladesh : a preliminary assessmentQuayyum, Zahidul; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Mazumder, Mahbub Alam; Begum, Anwara; Sobhani, Jahanara
May-1993An evaluation of community-based Nutrition Rehabilitation CentersFronczak, Nancy; Amin, Selina; Laston, Sandra L.; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1996Health and demographic profile of the urban population of Bangladesh: an analysis of selected indicatorsThwin, Aye Aye; Islam, M Ataharul; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Reinke, William; Black, Robert E
May-1993Immunization beliefs and coverage in Dhaka Urban SlumsLaston, Sandra L.; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Paljor, Ngudup; Silimperi, Diana R.
1996Impact of National immunization days on polio-related knowledge and practice of urban women in BangladeshQuaiyum, Md. Abdul; Tunon, Cristobal; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Quayyum, Zahidul; Khatun, Jahanara
Dec-1997Impact of national immunization days on polio-related knowledge and practice of urban women in Bangladesh[research report]Quaiyum, Md. Abdul; Tuñon, Cristobal; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Zahidul, Quayyum; Jahanara, Khatun
1997Implementation of the essential services package (ESP) in urban clinics through standarized services delivery protocols : preliminary findings from an intervention in DhakaAmin, Selina; Tunon, Cristobal; Arifeen, Shams El; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Khanam, Rasheda; Manaf, Samina
1997Improving the effectiveness of the health department of Dhaka city corporation: summary of the needs assessment studiesTunonq, Cristobal; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Bhuiyan, Mohammed Ali; Uddin, Md. Jasim
1997Improving the management of field operations : evaluation of an Urban Field Information System (UFI) interventionAlamgir, Shamsuddin; Tunon, Cristobal; Arifeen, Shams El; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Bhuiya, Mohammed Ali; Uddin, Md. Jasim
May-1993Infant and child feeding practices in Dhaka Urban SlumsBaqui, Abdullah Hel; Paljor, Ngudup; Nahar, Quamrun; Silimperi, Diana R.
1997Information systems for urban health : findings from the clinic information ystem interventionAzim, Tariq; Mookherji, Sangeeta; Tunon, Cris; Begum, Anwara; Rasul, Rafia; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Iproving availability of and access to an essential services package (ESP) in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh findings from mid-term evaluation:Alamgir, Shamsuddin; Tunon, Cristobal; Arifeen, Shams El; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Bhuiya, Mohammed Ali; Uddin, Md. Jasim
May-1993Knowledge and practice of contraception in Dhaka Urban Slums:a baseline surveyJamil, Kanta; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Paljor, Ngudup
Oct-1993Levels and correlates of maternal nutritional status and consequences for child survival in Urban BangladeshBaqui, Abdullah Hel; Arifeen, Shams El; Amin, Salina; Black, Robert E.