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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Oct-20071988 floods in Bangladesh: pattern of illness and causes of deathSiddique, A.K.; Baqui, A.H.; Eusof, A.; Zaman, K.
1981Acute gastro-enteritis due to salmonella food poisoningYunusa, M.; Zimicki, S.; Baqui, A.H.; Blaser, M.; Hossain, K.M.B.
Jun-1997Acute respiratory infections in children: a community-based longitudinal study in rural BangladeshZaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, M.; Sack, R.B.; Bateman, O.M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E.
Aug-1993Acute toxicity of vitamin A given with vaccines in infancyde Francisco, A.; Chakraborty, J,; Chowdhury, H.R.; Yunus, M.; Baqui, A.H.; Siddique, A.K.; Sack, R.B.
May-1996Association between nutritional status, cell-mediated immune status and acute lower respiratory infections in Bangladeshi childrenZaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md.; Sack, R.B.; Bateman, O.M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E.
Aug-1995Bulging fontanelle after supplementation with 25,000 IU of vitamin A in infancy using immunization contactsBaqui, A.H.; de Francisco, A.; Arifeen, S.E.; Siddique, A.K.; Sack, R.B.
Jun-2001Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: an updateBaqui, A.H.; Sabir, A.A.; Begum, N.; Arifeen, S.E.; Mitra, S.N.; Black, R.E.
1998Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: results of a nationwide verbal autopsy studyBaqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.; Arifeen, S.E.; Hill, K.; Mitra, S.N.; Al Sabir, A.
2000Children's fluid intake during diarrhea : a comparision of questionnaire responses with data from observations[abstract]Zaman, K.; Sack, D.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md.; Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.
2002Children's fluid intake during diarrhoea: a comparison of questionnaire responses with data from observationsZaman, K.; Sack, D.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, M.; Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.
1-Nov-2007Cholera epidemics in Bangladesh: 1985-1991Siddiquei, A.K.; Zamani, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Akrami, K.; Mutsuddy, P.; Eusof, A.; Haider, K.; Islam, S; Sacku, R.B.
1983Clinical presentation of hypokalaemia in children attending a rural diarrhoeal treatment centre in Bangladesh[abstract]Zaman, K.; Islam, M.R.; Baqui, A.H.; Huq, Emdadul; Yunus, Md.
Oct-1983Co-trimoxazole-resistant Shigella dysenteriae type 1 outbreak in a family in Bangladesh[abstract]Zaman, K; Yunus, M; Baqui, A.H.; Hossain, K.M.; Khan, M.U.
Sep-2001Community randomized trial of zinc supplementation started during diarrhea reduces morbidity and mortality in Bangladeshi children[abstract]Baqui, A.H.; Black, R.E.; Arifeen, S.E.; Yunus, Md.; Chakraborty, J.; Ahmed, S.; Vaughan, J.P.
1990A comparative study on the correct utilization and sustained use of rice packet ORS vs standard glucose packet ORS by urban community mothers in BangladeshSiddiqi, S. Mizan; Baqui, A.H.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
18-Apr-1988Comparison between wheat-salt solution and rice-salt solution for home management of diarrhoea in rural BangladeshBari, A.; Siddique, A.K.M.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Baqui, A.H.
Dec-2007Delivery practices of traditional birth attendants in Dhaka slums, Bangladesh.Fronczak, N.; Arifeen, S.E.; Moran, A.C.; Caulfield, L.E.; Baqui, A.H.
2-Sep-2007Detection of Shigellae from Stools of Dysentery Patients by Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction TechniquesIslam, M.S.; Hosssin, M.S.; Hasan, M.K.; Rahman, M.M.; Fuchs, G.; Mahalanabis, D.; Baqui, A.H.; Albert, M. Jhon
Mar-1998Determinants of infant growth in the slums of Dhaka city: size and maturity at birth and breast-feedingArifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Nahar, Q.; Alamgir, S.; Mahmud, H.; Baqui, A.H.
Mar-2001Determinants of infant growth in the slums of Dhaka: size and maturity at birth, breastfeeding and morbidityArifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Caulfield, L.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H.