Showing results 1 to 20 of 132
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-1970 | 1966-1969 cholera-vacine field in trial East Pakistan: effectiveness of monovalent ogawa and inaba antigen, with comparative results serological and animal protecton tests | Mosley, Wiley Henry; Woodward, William E.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Chowdury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Feeley, John C. |
Apr-1969 | 1966-67 cholera vaccine field trial in rural East Pakistan | Mosley, Wiley Henry; McCormack, W.M.; Fahimuddin, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Ahmed, A.; Martin, A.R.; Feeley, J.C.; Phillips, R.A. |
1985 | Acceptability of water-sealed latrines in Mirzapur: a rural area of Bangladesh [conference paper] | Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, K.Z.; Patwary, M. Yakub; Aziz, K.M.S.; Rahman, M. Mujibur |
Nov-1982 | Age misstatement for young children in rural Bangladesh | Bairagi, R.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Chowdhury, M.K.; Edmonston, B. |
Aug-1989 | Are diarrhoea control programmes likely to reduce childhood malnutrition? Observations from rural Bangladesh | Briend, Andre; Hasan, Kh. Zahid; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, Bilqis A. |
Feb-1990 | Bacterial contamination of weaning foods and drinking water in rural Bangladesh | Henry, F.J.; Patwary, Y.; Huttly, S.R.A.; Aziz, K.M.A. |
1989 | Behavioral changes related to water use and sanitation practices: a hygiene education approach in a rural area of Bangladesh[abstract] | Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, Zahid Kh.; Hoque, Bilquis A.; Patwari, M.Y. |
Jun-1983 | Beliefs and treatment related to diarrhoeal episodes reported in association with measles | Shahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Aziz, K.M.A.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Bari, M.A. |
29-Jul-1981 | Beliefs, attitudes and practices towards measles in rural Bangladesh | Shahid, Nigar; Faruque, A.S.G.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Rahman, M.M. |
Aug-1981 | Beliefs, attitudes and practices towards measles in rural Bangladesh (pilot study) | Shahid, Nigar S.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Rahaman, M.M. |
Mar-1998 | Birth weight and its association with maternal nutrition and socioeconomic variables in rural Bangladesh | Alam, D.S.; Yunus, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.; de Francisco, A.; Haque, E.; van Raaij, J.M.A.; Fuchs, G.J. |
18-Nov-2007 | Breastmilk retinol levels in Bangladeshi mothers: reflection on the serum retinol level of infants | Shahid, Nigar S.; Waned, M.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M.; Steinhoff, M.C. |
25-Sep-1986 | Case- control study to evaluate risk factors for death in urban setting in early infancy | Stanton, Bonita; Clemens, John; Aziz, K.M.A.; Khair, Tajkera; Khatun, Khodeza; Ahmed, Shahnaz |
1975 | Cencus work at Matlab in 1974[abstract] | Aziz, K.M.A. |
1984 | Certain observations on Chakma and Mug life in teknaf area (book chapter) | Islam, M. Shafiqul; Aziz, K.M.A.; Patwary, Yakub; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Aziz, K.M.S. |
1976 | Cholera toxoid field trial[abstract] | Curlin, George; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, Mizanur; Levine, Richard; Verwey, Willard F. |
1968 | Cholera vaccine studies in rural East Pakistan[abstract] | Mosley, Wiley H.; Fahimuddin, Md.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Chowdhury, Alauddin |
1987 | Comparability of results obtained by two-week home maintained diarrhoeal calendar with two-week diarrhoeal recall | Stanton, Bonita; Clemens, John D.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Khatun, Khodeza; Ahmed, Shahnaz; Khatun, Jahanara |
1976 | Contraceptive distribution project[book chapter] | Huber, Douglas H.; Curlin, George; Khan, Atiqur Rahmann; Chakraborty, J.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M. |
1990 | Contraceptive usage and survival of the last child : a life table analysis[book chapter] | Chowdhury, A.I.; Aziz, K.M.A. |