Browse by Author Aziz, Ayesha

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Aug-1997Abortion dynamics in rural Bangladesh: does an MCH-FP program bring about any changeBairagi, Radheshyam; Ahmed, Kapil; Islam, M. Mazharul; Aziz, Ayesha
Jul-1999Induced abortion in a rural area of Bangladesh: process management health consequencesBhuiya, Abbas; Aziz, Ayesha; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
Sep-2001Local production of anti-vibrio cholerae mucosal antibody in reproductive tract tissues after choleraRyan, Edward T.; Bridges, Emily A.; Crean, Thomas I.; Gausia, Kaniz; Hamadani, Jena D.; Aziz, Ayesha; Hawkes, Sarah; Begum, Monira; Bogaerts, Jozef; Faruque, Shah M.; Salam, Mohammmed Abdus; Fuchs, George J.; Calderwood, Stephen B.
Jun-2001Ordeal of Women for induced abortion in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Aziz, Ayesha; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
Aug-1997Reproductive and sexual health problems as perceived by women and men in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas; Aziz, Ayesha; Hanifi, SMA
1998Three studies on HIV/AIDS : 1. AIDS knowledge in rural Bangladesh, II. Providing AIDS awareness education through village based women's organization, III. Communication network in reproductive health information dissemination to the adolescentsFulton, Elisabeth; Kamal, Nashid; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Khan, Monirul; Hashima-e-Nasreen; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas; Rana, AKM Masud; Aziz, Ayesha
2001Without sex education : exploring the social and sexual vulnerabilities of rural Bangladeshi girls and boysCash, Kathleen; Hashima-E-Nasreen; Aziz, Ayesha; Bhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, A. Mushtaque
2001Without sex education: exploring the social and sexual vulnerabilities of rural Bangladeshi girls and boysCash, Kathleen; Hashima-E-Nasreen; Aziz, Ayesha; Bhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, A. Mushtaque R.; Chowdhury, Sadia