Browse by Author Azad, A.K.

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992A 1-Year old girl with severe malnutrition, bloody-mucoid diarrhoea and fever : postmortem study case-2 of 1992 presentation of the caseRabbani, G.H.; Ashraf;, Hassan; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K.
Nov-1990Acute lower respiratory tract infections in hospitalized patients with diarrhea in Dhaka, BangladeshRahman, Mahbubur; Huq, Farida; Sack, David A.; Butler, Thomas; Azad, A.K.; Alam, Ashraful; Nahar, Nurun; Islam, Motiul
21-Nov-2007Aetiology and pathogenesis of chronic diarrhoeal illness in adultsAzad, A.K.; Islam, M.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Hoque, S.S.; Alam, A.N.; Butler, T.
1987Causes of death in diarrhoeal diseases after rehydration therapy : an autopsy study of 140 patients in BangladeshButler, Thomas; Islam, M.; Azad, A.K.; Islam, M.R.; Speelman, Peter
1-Nov-2007Clinical and autopsy findings of a nine-month-old girl with malnutrition and pneumonia postmortem study case - 15/91: presentation of the caseRahman, M. Mujibur; Hossain, S.M. Ismail; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K.
May-1997Comparison of clinical features and pathologic findings in fatal cases of typhoid fever during the initial and later stages of the diseaseAzad, A.K.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Alam, A.N.; Islam, M.; Butler, T.
14-Nov-2007Effects of age, duration of illness and infecting species on the pathology of fatal childhood shigellosisAzad, A.K.; Islam, M.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Alam, A.N.; Butler, T.
1987Erythrocyte vacuolation in haemolytic anaemia during shigellosis[letter]Butler, Thomas; Aikawa, Masamichi; Azad, A.K.
1984Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. intermedia from fatal cases of diarrhoeal illness in BangladeshButler, Thomas; Islam, M.; Islam, M.R.; Azad, A.K.; Huq, M.I.; Speelman, P.; Roy, S.K.
20-Sep-1984Pathological studies of fatal complications of childhood diarrhoeal diseasesButler, Thomas C.; Islam, Rafiqul; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K.
Oct-1984Pathological studies of fatal complications of childhood diarrhoeal diseasesButler, Thomas C.; Islam, Rafiqul; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K.
Jan-1994Pathology of shigellosis and its complicationsIslam, M.M.; Azad, A.K.; Bardhan, P.K.; Raqib, R.; Islam, D.
7-Jun-1990The prevalence of Hepatitis B in Bangladesh - a pilot studyAkbar, M.S.; Azad, A.K.; Haque, A.; Alam, A.H.; Tzipori, Saul
20-Aug-1984Role of antibiotic resistance and treatment in hemolytic uremic syndrome of shigellosisIslam, M.R.; Butler, Thomas; Azad, A.K.
Aug-1984Role of antibiotic resistance and treatment in hemolytic uremic syndrome of shigellosisIslam, M.R.; Butler, Thomas; Azad, A.K.
1990Role of plasmids in virulence -associated attributes and in O-antigen expression in shigella dysenteriae type 1 strainsHaider, K.; Azad, A.K.; Qadri, F.; Nahar, S.; Ciznar, I.
1986Shigella toxin production in human shegelosis[abstract]Bennish, M.L.; Denohue-Rolfe, A.; Azad, A.K.; Hardy, R.; Keusch, G.T.