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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Changing health-seeking behaviour in Matlab, Bangladesh: do development interventions matterAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne M.; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas
Jul-1998Chronic energy deficiency in women from rural Bangladesh: some socioeconomic determinantsAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne; Chowdhury, A.M.R.; Bhuiya, Abbas
Oct-1982Comparative efficacies of ceftriaxone and ampicillin given as single doses for th treatment of acute shigellosisKabir, Iqbal; Khanam, Asma; Akhtar, S.Q.; Butler, Thomas; Ahmed, Syed Masud
19-Aug-1982Comparative efficacies of certriaxone and amplicillin given as single dose for the treatment of acute shigellosisKabir, Iqbal; Khanam, Asma; Akhtar, S.Q.; Butler, Thomas; Ahmed, Syed Masud
Dec-1982A comparative trial of WHO recommended ORS with ORS effervescent tabletsAhmed, Syed Masud; Islam, Rafiqul; Butler, Thomas
1983A comparision of low (20 mmols) and high (30 mmols) potassium/L oral rehydration solution in childhood diarrhoeam [abstract]Islam, M.R.; Bardhan, P.K.; Ahmed, Syed Masud
1983A comparison of low (20 m. mols) potassium/l oral rehydration solution in childhood[abstract]Islam, M.R,; Bardhan, P.K.; Ahmed, Syed Masud
1982A compartive trial of WHO recommended ORS with ORS effervescent tabletsAhmed, Syed Masud; Islam, Rafiqul; Butler, Thomas
1998Domestic violence against women : does development intervention matter [book chapter]Khan, Mahmuda Rahman; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Bhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
1998Domestic violence against women: does development intervention matter[book chapter]Khan, Mahmuda Rahman; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Bhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, Mushtaque
1981Effect of mecillinam in the treatment of shigellosisKabir, A.K.M. Iqbal; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Rahaman, M.M.; Akhtar, S. Qudsia
16-Sep-1981The efficacy of ORS in correcting hypokalaemia due to acute dehydrating diarrhoea in children under 5 years of ageAhmed, Syed Masud; Islam, Rafiqul; Alam, Moinul
Sep-1981The efficacy of ORS in correcting hypokalaemia due to acute dehydrating diarrhoea in children under 5 years of ageAhmed, Syed Masud; Islam, Rafiqul; Alam, Mominul
Jun-1983Efficacy of sodium citrate to replace sodium bicarbonate in oral rehydration solutionIslam, Md. Rafiqul; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Butler, Thomas C.
24-Apr-1983Efficasy of sodium citrate to replace sodium bicarbonate in oral rehydration solutionIsam, Md. Rafiqul; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Butler, Thomas C.
Aug-2000Gender, socioeconomic development and health-seeking behaviour in BangladeshAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne M.; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas
1998Income-earning women from rural Bangladesh: changes in attitude and knowledgeAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne; Chowdhury, A.M.R.; Bhuiya, Abbas
Mar-2005Intimate partner violence against women: experiences from a woman-focused development programme in Matlab, BangladeshAhmed, Syed Masud
Dec-2011MANOSHI COMMUNITY HEALTH SOLUTIONS IN BANGLADESH - Impact Evaluation Surveys in Dhaka Urban Slums 2007, 2009 and 2011Alam, Nurul; Begum, Dilruba; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Streatfield, Peter Kim
Dec-2010MANOSHI COMMUNITY HEALTH SOLUTIONS IN BANGLADESH - Midline Survey Dhaka Urban Slums 2009Alam, Nurul; Uddin, Azad; Rahman, Mahfzur; Sumi, Nahid Sultana; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Streatfield, Peter Kim