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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Abortion in rural Bangaldesh: evidence from the MCH-FP extension project[book chapter]Ahmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1996Abortion in rural Bangladesh : evidence from the MCH-FP extension projectAhmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
24-Sep-1985Breast feeding, weaning and infant growth in rural BangladeshAhmed, Shameem; Bari, Abdul; Rowland, M.G.M.
1999Breastfeeding counselling and subclinical mastitisAhmed, Shameem
1999Breastfeeding revisited [book chapter]Ahmed, Shameem
1999Can medicine - sellers in pharmacies meet the needs of STD clints : observations from an urban area of BangladeshRahman, Saifur; Ahmed, Mohsin Uddin; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem
1999Can Medicine-sellers in Pharmacies Meet the Needs of STD Clients? Observations from an Urban Area of BangladeshRahman, Saifur; Ahmed, Mohsin U.; Khuda, Barkat-e-; Ahmed, Shameem
1999Clinical contraceptives : situation in rural BangladeshSobhan, Farzana; Islam, Ariful; Quaiyum, M.A.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem
1999Clinical Contraceptives: Situation in Rural BangladeshSobhan, Farzana; Islam, Ariful; Quaiyum, MA; Khuda, Barkat-e-; Ahmed, Shameem
2000Complications of pregnancy and childbirth : knowledge and practices of women in rural BangladeshKhanum, Parveen A.; Quaiyum, M.A.; Islam, Ariful; Ahmed, Shameem
1997The determinants and consequences of pregnancy termination in rural Bangladesh : the wider contextCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Nessa, Fazilatun; Haque, Indrani
1997The determinants and consequences of pregnancy termination in rural Bangladesh: the wider context[book chapter]Caldwell, Bruce K.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Nessa, Fazilatun; Haque, Indrani
2001Determinants of the fertility transition in Bangladesh[book chapter]Barkat-e-Khuda; Caldwell, John C.; Caldwell, Bruce K.; Pieris, Indrani; Caldwell, Pat; Ahmed, Shameem
1997Developing doorstep services[book chapter]Ashraf, Ali; Ahmed, Shameem; Phillips, James F.
1999Developing strategies for improving the quality and performance of clinical contraceptive services : a reviewKarim, Ali Mehryar; Ahmed, Shameem; Sobhan, Farzana; Faisel, Abu Jamil
1999Disease patterns, treatment practices and drug requirements in rural Bangladesh : a review of five studiesAhmed, Shameem; Wirzba, Helene; Hakim, Jafar Ahmed; Barkat-e-Khuda; Khatoon, Rabeya
1999Disease Patterns, Treatment Practices and Drug Requirements in Rural Bangladesh: A Review of Five StudiesAhmed, Shameem; Wirzba, Hélène; Hakim, Jafar Ahmad; Khuda, Barkat-e-; Khatoon, Rabeya
Jul-2000The effect of birth interval on malnutrition in Bangladeshi infants and young childrenMozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed Alam; Barkat-E-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Levin, Ann; Ahmed, Shameem
1997The effect of birth interval on malnutrition in infants and young childrenMozumder, ABM Khorshed Alam; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Levin, Ann; Ahmed, Shameem
1997The effect of birth interval on malnutrition in infants and young children[book chapter]Mozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed Alam; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T; Levin, Ann; Ahmed, Shameem