Browse by Subject Water pollution

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-1986Aboundance of various pathogenic microorganisms in a pond in the vicinity of a national children's hospital at Dhaka, BangladeshChowdhury, M.A.R.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Hoq, M.S.; Khan, W.A.; Akbar, M.S.; Morshd, M.G.; Ratnam, W.
2001Arsenic in drinking water : a public health point of viewSmith, Allan H.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
Apr-2000Arsenic in drinking water : how much is tool much[newspaper]Rahman, Mahfuzar
Jun-2000Arsenic in drinking water and skin lesions[abstract]Rahman, Mahfuzar; Milton, Abul Hasnat
Jun-2000Arsenic ingestion and health effects in Bangladesh : consequences of well water Arsenic level more than 50 ug/1[abstract]Rahman, Mahfuzar; Axelson, Olav
Jul-1976Cholera transmission near a cholera hospitalLevine, Richard J.; Khan, Motiur R.; D'Souza, Stansislaus; Nalin, David R.
May-2001Chronic aresenic poisoning and respiratory effects in BangladeshMilton, Abul Hasnat; Hasan, Ziul; Rahman, Atiqur; Rahman, Mahfuzar
2000Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: a public health emergencySmith, Allah H.; Lingas, Elena O.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
May-1985Current environmental pollution by human faecal contamination (conference paper)Rahim, Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Islam, M.S.
1978Distribution of oligochaetes in Ramna lake with special reference to the level of pollution at different stations(abstract)Hoque, A.S.M. Motaharul; Aziz, K.M.S.
Dec-1998Domestic water and health inside a flood control, drainage and irrigation project in BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Ahmed, Shafiqul A.; Chowdhury, J.T.A.; Chowdhury, U.K.; Chakrabarty, J.; Sack, R.B.
18-Sep-1996Drinking water quality and diarrheal diseases in an urban slum community: household interventions to improve water qualityHandzel, Thomas; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Sobsey, Mark; Moe, Christine; Ahsan, Syed Shamim
1977Environmental epidemiology : 1. environmental and prospective epidemiological investigation of cholera outbreakes[book chapter]Spira, W.M.; Khan, M.U.; Saeed, Y.A.; Sattar, A.
22-Jul-1984Environmental intervention, contamination and diarrhoea in rural BangladeshHenry, F.; Minnatullah, K.; Rahim, Z.
1982Epidemiology of eltor cholera in rural Bangladesh: importance of surface water in transmissionHughes, James M.; Boyce, John M.; Levine, Richard J.; Khan, Moslemuddin; Aziz, K.M.A.; Huq, M.I.; Curlin, George T.
Jul-1976Failure of sanitary wells to protect against cholera and other diarrhoeas in BangladeshLevine, Richard J.; Khan, Motiur R.; D'Souza, Stanislaus; Nalin, David R.
10-Mar-1996The impacts of exogenous technology on traditional resources management and the environment in rural BangladeshKranzlin, Irene; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Schneider-Sliwa, Rita; Gyr, Klaus
2-Apr-1982Investigation of the extent of fecal pollution by enumeration of fecal coliforms and fecal streptocococciRahim, Md. Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Huq, Md. Imdadul; Islam, Md. Sirajul
2006Knowledge of Arsenic in drinking-water: risks and avoidance in Matlab, BangladeshAziz, Sonia N.; Boyle, Kevin J.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
25-Oct-1993Microbiological investigation of a duckweed project in MirzapurIslam, Md. Sirajul; Albert, M. John; Hoque, Bilqis Amin; Shahid, Nigar S.; Ikramullah, M.; Sack, R.B.