Browse by Subject Urban health services

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Developing alternative service delivery strategies for MCH-FP Services in urban areas : findings from an experimentRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
Aug-2001Dietary zinc and effect on pregnancy outcome in urban Bangladesh [abstract]Osendarp, S.J.M.; van Raaij, J.M.A.; van der Heijden, L.J.M.; Fuchs, G.J.
2000An economic appraisal of alternative strategies for the delivery of MCH-FP services in urban Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
Oct-1980Efficasy and antibiotic prophylaxix in controlong cholera epidemic in urban areas[abstract]Khan, Moslemuddin
2003Evaluation of a six month pilot to introduce depot holders in three types of urban areasGazi, Rukshana
Jun-2016Health care seeking in poor urban settlements in Sylhet City Corporation, 2013 : a quantitative surveyIslam, Rubana; Rizvi, Syed Jafar Raza; Hillgrove, Tessa; Ahmed, Rushdia; Adams, Alayne M.
4-Apr-1995Health care use patterns of the non-slum population in Dhaka-City, BangladeshDesmet, Martinus; Siddiqi, Mizan; Sohel, Nazmul; Bashir, Ishtiaq; Haque, Nazrul; Jahan, Fatima; Bhuiya, Abbas; Eppler, Peter
1998Health-care seeking of slum residents in Dhaka-City, Bangladesh : chronic illnesses, delivery cases, hospitalisation and surgical cases ; health-care seeking studiesDesmet, Martinus; Bashir, Ishtiaq; Sohel, Nazmul; Saha, Kuntal Kumar
1997An inventory of health and family planning facilities in Dhaka city[book]Mazumder, M.A.; Bhuiyan, M.A.; Tunon, C.; Baqui, A.H.; Chowdhury, A.I.; Khan, S.A.; Arifeen, S.E.; Islam, R.
1999Record keeping systems for quality improvement in urban health care clinicsAzim, S.M. Tariq; Tunon, Cristobal; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
Sep-1983Role of breast feeding in preventing acquisition of roundworm and hookworm in Dhaka slum childrenKhan, M.U.; Shahidullah, M.M.; Begum, T.
4-Mar-1980Surveilance of urban diarrheal patientsStoll, B.; Khan, M.U.
1996Urban men and their participation in modern contraception : an exploratory studyJahan, Shamim; Thwin, Aye Aye; Tunon, Cristobal; Nasreen, Sanjida
Sep-1994Urban surveillance system-Dhaka methods and procedureBaqui, Abdullah Hel; Jamil, Kanta; Jahangir, N.M.; Nahar, Quamrun; Paljor, Ngudup; Silimperi, Diana R.
Jun-1985The urban volunteer programme in Dhaka: a community based primary health care and research initiativeStanton, Bonita; Clemens, John; Koblinsky, Marjorie; Khair, Tajkera
Oct-1993Urban volunteer service in the slums of Dhaka : community and volunteer perceptionsLaston, Sandra L.; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Paljor, Ngudup
2002Why do the children of the poor die in Dhaka, BangladeshCaldwell, Bruce K.; Caldwell, John C.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Pieris, Indrani
1996Women volunteers : a critical intervention in the urban health servicesAhmed, Nilufar