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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-1998Clinical and etiological cractersitics of patients reasmitted into a diarrhoeal hospital[abstract]Hamadani, Jena D.; Dewan, Nahrina; Faruque, A.S.G.
Sep-2001Clinical studies in persistent diarrhea: dietary management with green banana or pectin in Bangladeshi childrenRabbani, Golam H.; Teka, Telahun; Zaman, Badiuz; Majid, N.; Khatun, Makhduma; Fuchs, George J.
2003A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: interactions between iron and zincLind, Torbjorn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Ismail, Djsuhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake
2002Comparison of single-dose azithromycin and 12-dose, 3-day erythromycin for childhood cholera: a randomised, double-blind trialKhan, Wasif A.; Saha, Debasish; Rahman, Anisur; Salam, Mohammad A.; Bogaerts, Joseph; Bennish, Michael L.
2000Effect of an energy-dense diet on the clinical course of acute shigellosis in undernourished childrenMazumder, Ramendra N.; Ashraf, Hasan; Hoque, Syed S.; Kabir, Iqbal; Majid, Naseha; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Fuchs, George J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
2003Efficacy and safety of a modified oral rehydration solution (ReSoMaL) in the treatment of severely malnourished children with watery diarrheaAlam, N.H.; Hamadani, Jena D.; Dewan, Nahrina; Fuchs, George J.
2002Measles vaccine effectiveness and risk factors for measles in Dhaka, BangladeshAkramuzzaman, Syed M.; Cutts, Felicity T.; Hossain, Md J.; Wahedi, Obaidullah K.; Nahar, Nazmun; Islam, Darul; Shaha, Narayan C.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1981New perspectives in the treatment and prophylaxix of diarrheal diseases[book chapter]Holmgren, Jan; Greenough III, William B.
7-Jul-1991Randomized double-blind trial of single-dose doxycycline in the treatment of cholera in childrenAlam, A.N.; Islam, M.R.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
2003Therapy of travelers' diarrhea with rifaximin on various continentsSteffen, Robert; Sack, David A.; Riopel, Lise; Jiang, Zhi-Dong; Stürchler, Matius; Ericsson, Charles D.; Lowe, Brett; Waiyaki, Peter; White, Mike; DuPont, Herbert L.
1992Treatment of shigellosis: III. Comparison of one- or two-dose ciprofloxacin with standard 5-day therapy. A randomized, blinded trialBennish, Michael L.; Salam, Mohammad Abdus; Khan, Wasif Ali; Khan, Ali Miraj
2002Zinc supplementation as adjunct therapy in children with measles accompanied by pneumonia: a double-blind, randomized controlled trialMahalanabis, Dilip; Chowdhury, A.; Jana, S.; Bhattacharya, Mihir K.; Chakrabarti, M.K.; Wahed, Mohammas A.; Khaled, Mohammad A.