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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005An analysis of social, behavioral and biomedical risk factors of adolescents and youth clients of female sex workers: Implications for STI/HIV interventions in BangladeshRahman, Motiur
2002Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from floating commercial sex workers in Dhaka, BangladeshAlam, Mohammad Ashraful; Miah, Mohammad Ruhul Amin; Rahman, Motiur; Sattar, Humayun; Saleh, Ahmed Abu
Mar-2004Application of the capture-recapture method for estimating number of mobile male sex workers in a port city of BangladeshKhan, Sharful Islam; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Uddin, A.S.M. Jamal
2004Assessment of a peer education project for HIV prevention among hotel based sex workers in DhakaLarson, Charles
Sep-2009Assessment of utilization of the HIV intervenions by sex workers in selected brothels in Bangladesh: an explorative studyHuq, Nafisa Lira; Chowdhury, Mahbub Elahi
2004A comparison of two methods (Enhanced Syndromic Management and Periodic Presumptive Treatment) of systematic prevention and control of STIs among hotel based female sex workers in Dhaka, BangladeshRahman, Motiur
2000Etiology of sexually transmitted infections among street-based female sex workers in Dhaka, BangladeshRahman, Motiur; Alam, Ashraful; Nessa, Khairun; Hossain, Anowar; Nahar, Shamsun; Datta, Dilip; Alam, Shahnewaz Khan; Mian, Ruhul Amin; Albert, M. John
1999Explanatory model of risk perception: adolescents of Bangladesh.Muna, Lazeena
2007Exploring acceptable and appropriate interventions to promote correct and consistent condom use among youth male clients of hotel-based female sex workers in Dhaka, BangladeshMitra, Dipak Kumar
Nov-1998High prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance amongst strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from commercial sex workers in BangladeshBhuiyan, Bahar Uddin; Miah, Ruhul Amin; Rahman, Motiur; Rahman, Kazi Masihur; Albert, M. John
2004HIV/AIDS Prevention Project: Brothel Based Sex Workers in BangladeshAlam, Nazmul
Jun-1998Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from commercial sex workers in Dhaka city[abstract]Rahman, M.; Bhuiyan, B; Nahar, S.; Miah, R.A.; Islam, Nazrul; Rahman, M.; Albert, M.J.
1999Prevalence of treatment failre in due to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone in gonorrhea among Bangladeshi female sex workersRahman, Motiur
1997Report of community-based knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey among coomercial sex workers residing in Taan Bazar brothel[book chapter]Ahmed, Julia; Hawkers, Sarah; Khan, Kasmin; Chaklader, Hasina
1997Report of community-based knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey among commercial sex workers residing in Taan Bazar brothelAhed, Julia; Hawkes, Sarah; Khan, Kasmin; Chaklader, Hasina
2005Study to understand barriers to condom use among female sex workers in BangladeshStreatfield, Peter Kim