Browse by Subject Nutritional status

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 81  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-1980Absorption of macronutrients from a rice-vegetable diet before and after treatment of ascariasis in childrenBrown, Kenneth H.; Gilman, Robert H.; Khatun, M. D. Makhduma; Ahmed, Md. Giashuddin
9-Dec-1979Absorption of vitamin A and zinc status in diarrhoea of different etiologyMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid
1998Acinetobacter bacteremia in patients with diarrhoeal diseaseIqbal, Hossain M.; Kabir, A.K.M. Iqbal; Khan, W.A.; Fuchs, G.J.
1981Agriculture and nutrition in Matlab Thana, Bangladesh [book chapter]Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Huffman, Sandra L.; Chen, Lincoln C.
Aug-1985Alternative anthropometric indicators of mortalityBairagi, Radheshyam; Chowdhury, Mridul K.; Kim, Young J.; Curlin, George T.
1-Mar-1986Assessing the efficacy of a Nutrition Rehabilitation CentreMoonens, Francoise; Stanton, Bonita; Fleischman, Joan
Sep-1987The association between malnutrition and diarrhoea in rural BangladeshBairagi, Radheshyam; Chowdhury, Mridul K.; Kim, Young J.; Curlin, George T.; Gray, Ronald H.
May-1996Association between nutritional status, cell-mediated immune status and acute lower respiratory infections in Bangladeshi childrenZaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md.; Sack, R.B.; Bateman, O.M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E.
Nov-1982Behavooral aspects in determing nutritional status of childrenRizvi, Najma
Feb-1997Bioelectrical impedance measurements at various frequencies to estimate human body compositionsKhaled, M. A.; Kabir, Iqbal; Goran, M.I.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
26-Mar-1988Breast feeding, nutritional state, and child survival in rural BangladeshBriend, Andre; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Rowland, Michael G.
Jun-1993Can mothers identify malnutrition in their childrenRoy, Swapan Kumar; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Mitra, Amal Krishna; Ali, Mohammad; Alam, Ahmed Nurul; Akbar, Muhammad Serajul
1975CHolera severity as related to nutritional status and antibiotic therapy[book chapter]Alam, A.K.M.J.; Islam, R.; Koster, F.T.; Palmer, D.L.; Torrance, D.G.
Jun-1988Combating nutritional disorders : what promisesAkbar, M.S.; Roy, S.K.
Mar-1994Comparison of MRDR and RDR tests in assessing Vitamin A stores in malnourishes children[abstract]Wahed, M.A; Khaled, M.A.; Alvarez, J.O.; Rahman, M.M.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Habte, D.
1997Comparison of plasma kinetics of an oral dose of tetra-deuterated retinyl acetate (TDRA) in human volunteers with estimated low or high total body stores of Vitamin A[abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Handelman, G.J.; Islam, M.A.; Jones, A.D.; Peerson, J.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, K.H.
24-Jul-1980Complications following a measles epidemic in rural BangladeshShahid, Nigar
Nov-1982Consumption of foods and nutrients by weanlings in rural BangladeshBrown, Kenneth H.; Black, Robert E.; Becker, Stan; Nahar, Shamsun; Sawyer, John
Jul-1998Costing of the BINP activities at the community levelKhan, M. Mahmud
1979Difference between postpartum and nutritional amenorrhea(reply)Huffman, Sandra L.; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Mosley, Wiley Henry