Browse by Subject Nutritional Status

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-1989Are diarrhoea control programmes likely to reduce childhood malnutrition? Observations from rural BangladeshBriend, Andre; Hasan, Kh. Zahid; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, Bilqis A.
2002[ASCON X] : "Malnutrition : meeting the challenges in South Asia" [programme and abstracts of the] 10th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON) ICDDR,B, Dhaka, 11-13 June 2002 / Peter Thorpe, M.A. Rahim, S.K. Roy, editors ; M. Shamsul Islam Khan, chief editorInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Aug-1989Birth-interval dynamics in rural Bangladesh and maternal weightFord, Kathleen; Huffman, Sandra L.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Becker, Stan; Allen, Hubert; Menken, Jane
Sep-1989Breastfeeding improves survival, but not nutritional status, of 12-35 months old children in rural BangladeshBriend, Andre; Bari, Abdul
1987Cellular immune competence and diarrheal morbidity in malnourished Bangladeshi children: a prospective field studyKoster, Frideric T.; Palmer, Md Darwin L.; Chakraborty, Joyasul; Jackson, Thad; Curlin, George C.
Jan-1994Changes in body composition of malnourished children after dietary supplementation as measured by bioelectrical impedanceKabir, Iqbal; Malek, Mohammad A.; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Khaled, M. Abu; Mahalanabis, Dilip
Aug-1987A comparison of five anthropometric indices for identifying factors of malnutritionBairagi, Radheshyam
Feb-1990Cryptosporidiosis: a cause of diarrhea in BangladeshRahman, Mahbubur; Shahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, H,; Sack, David A.; Rahman, N; Hossain, Sahadat
19-Nov-2007Determinants of haemoglobin level during pregnancy and relationship with pregnancy outcome in Bangladeshi urban poorOsendarp, Saskia; Wahed, MA; Baqui, A.H; Arifeen, S.; Mahmud, Hasan; van Raaij, Joop
1990Does malnutrition predispose to diarrhoea during childhood? Evidence from a longitudinal study in Matlab, BangladeshChowdhury, Mridul K.; Gupta, V.M.; Bairagi, Radheshyam; Bhattacharya, B.N.
Jun-2008Early-life determinants of stunted adolescent girls and boys in Matlab, Bangladesh.Bosch, Alinda M.; Baqui, Abdullah H.; van Ginneken, Jeroen K.
Aug-2010Effect of dietary fat supplementation during late pregnancy and first six months of lactation on maternal and infant vitamin A status in rural BangladeshAlam, Dewan S.; van Raaij, Joop M.A.; Hautvast, Joseph G.A.J.; Yunus, M.; Wahed, M.A.; Fuchs, G.J.
Jul-1993Effects of biosocial variables on changes in nutritional status of rural Bangladeshi children, pre- and post-monsoon floodingChoudhury, Abu Yusuf; Bhuiya, Abbas
Mar-1993Enteric adenovirus infection among infants with diarrhea in rural BangladeshJarecki-Khan, Kerstin; Tzipori, Saul R.; Unicomb, Leanne E.
Apr-1992Health and nutritional consequences of the 1991 Bangladesh cycloneBennish, Michael L.; Ronsmans, Carine
Sep-2006Health and science bulletin vol.4 no.3 [English]International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Mar-1998Infant growth patterns in the slums of Dhaka in relation to birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, and prematurity(abstracts)Arifeen, S.E.; Black, R.E.; Antelman, G.; Baqui, A.H.
1992Lack of therapeutic efficacy of vitamin A for non-cholera, watery diarrhoea in Bangladeshi childrenHenning, B.; Stewart, K.; Zaman, K.; Alam, A.N.; Brown, K.H.; Black, R.E.
Jan-1993Levels and differentials in weight, height and body mass index among mothers in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas; Mostafa, Golam
Nov-1989Measuring change in nutritional status: a comparison of different anthropometric indices and the sample sizes requiredBriend, A.; Hasan, Kh. Z.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, Bilqis A.; Henry, F.J.