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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Oct-1987Adolescent pregnancy out-come in a chronically malnourished populationChowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Duza, M. Badrud; Mosley, W.H.
20-Jun-1984Analytical investigations into the mortality implications of anthropometric scals and into the development of new mortality targeted scalsBriend, A.; Clemens, J.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.
Mar-2000Anemia during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh : can it be controlled by iron supplements(abstract)Ekstrom, E-C; Hyder, Z.; Chowdhury, A.M.R.; Habicht, J-P; Lonnerdal, B.; Persson, L.A.
2002[ASCON X] : "Malnutrition : meeting the challenges in South Asia" [programme and abstracts of the] 10th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON) ICDDR,B, Dhaka, 11-13 June 2002 / Peter Thorpe, M.A. Rahim, S.K. Roy, editors ; M. Shamsul Islam Khan, chief editorInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Oct-1984Biochemical basis of a hypoglycemic syndrome with high mortalityAkbar, M.S.; Alam, A.N.; Zulfiquar, Dr.; Samsuzzoha, Dr.; Khan, Waker; Rahman, M.M.; Huq, Sayeedul; Islam, Moinul; Ahmed, Tofayel; Rubbi, S.F.; Greenough III, W.B.
2003Body mass index, height, weight, arm circumference, and mortality in rural Bangladeshi women: a 19-y longitudinal studyHosegood, Victoria; Campbell, Oono M.R.
Sep-1995Current management of persistent diarrhoea and malnutrition in developing countriesRoy, S.K.; Tomkins, A.M.; Akramuzzaman, S.M.
1979Difference between postpartum and nutritional amenorrhea(reply)Huffman, Sandra L.; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Mosley, Wiley Henry
Oct-1987Dose severe malnutrition impair G. I. function in children with diarrhoea[conference paper]Molla, A. Majid; Molla, Ayesha; Khatun, Makhduma
Mar-2000Effect of a modified oral rehydration solution (RESOMAL) in the treatment of severely malnourished children with diarrhoea[abstract]Alam, Nur H.; Hamadani, J.D.; Dewan, N.; Fuchs, G.J.
2000Effect of an energy-dense diet on the clinical course of acute shigellosis in undernourished childrenMazumder, Ramendra N.; Ashraf, Hasan; Hoque, Syed S.; Kabir, Iqbal; Majid, Naseha; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Fuchs, George J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
2003Effectiveness of community-based follow up and food supplementation in the home-management of young severely malnourished Bangladeshi children: a randomized intervention trialHossain, Md Iqbal
25-May-1982The effects of chronic caloric malnutrition on the levels of haemoglobin AicSeaton, Brian
Mar-2000Evaluation of serum retinol, the modified-relative-dose-response ratio, and breast-milk vitamin A as indicators of response to postpartum maternal vitamin A supplementationRice, Amy L; Stoltzfus, Rebecca J.; de Francisco, Andres; Kjolhede, Chris L.
2002Impact of lactational performance on bone mineral density in marginally-nourished Bangladeshi womenChowdhury, S.; Sarkar, N.R.; Roy, Swapan Kumar
Dec-1998Inconsistencies in the findings of child nutrition surveys in BangladeshBairagi, Radheshyam; Ahsan, Riti Ibrahim
Aug-2001Iron supplementation during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight among Bangladeshi women with short body stature(abstract)Ekstrom, E-C; Hyder, Z.; Chowdhury, A.M.R.; Persson, L.A.
Sep-2001A malnourished animal model of dehydration[abstract]Islam, Sufia; Chowdhury, A.K.A.; Malek, M.A.; Fuches, G.J.; Desjaux, J.F.
1-Feb-1993Malnutrition, cell-mediated immune deficiency, and diarrhea: a community-based longitudinal study in rural Bangladeshi childrenBaqui, Abdullah H.; Black, Robert E.; Sack, R. Bradely; Chowdhury, H.R.; Yunus, M.; Siddique, A.K.
Nov-2001Management of severe malnutrition and diarrheaAhmed, T; Begum, B,; Badiuzzaman; Ali, M; Fuchs, G