Browse by Subject Intestines

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Aeromonas trota strains, which agglutinate with Vibrio cholerae O139 Bengal antiserum, possess a serologically distinct fimbrial colonization factorNakasone, Noboru; Iwanaga, Masaaki; Yamashiro, Tetsu; Nakashima, Kazutoshi; Albert, M. John
Feb-1980Endoscopic studies on diarrhoeal diseasesMorishita, Tetsuo; Islam, Rafiful; Bardhan, Pradip K.; Molla, A.M.
Jul-1967Enhancement of net sodium and water absorption in acute human cholera by intestinal glucose lavage[conference paper]Taylor, J. O.; Sachar, D.B.; Kinzie, J.L.; Phillips, R.A.
1992Impact of zinc supplementation on intestinal permeability in Bangladeshi children with acute diarrhoea and persistent diarrhoea syndromeRoy, S.K.; Behrens, R.H.; Haider, R.; Akramuzzaman, S.M.; Mahalanabis, D.; Wahed, M.A.; Tomkins, A.M.
1992Non-immunological defence mechanisms of the gutSarker, S.A.; Gyr, K.
1992Pathogenesis of Providencia alcalifaciens-induced diarrheaAlbert, M. John; Alam, K.; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Islam, M.M.; Rahman, A.S.M.H.; Haider, K.; Bhuiyan, N.A.; Nahar, S.; Ryan, N.; Montanaro, J.
1993Production of mucinase and neuraminidase and binding of Shigella to intestinal mucinHaider, Khaleda; Hossain, A.; Wanke, C.; Qadri, F.; Ali, S.; Nahar, S.
Jan-1998Small bowel and fecal microbiology in children suffering from persistent diarrhea in BangladeshBardhan, Pradip K.; Albert, M. John; Alam, Nur H.; Faruque, Shah M.; Neogi, Prodyot K.B.; Mahalanabis, Dilip