Browse by Subject Intestinal secretions

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-1978Cholera, non-vibrio cholera, and stomach acidNalin, David R.; Levine, Richard J.; Levine, Myron M.; Hoover, David; Bergquist, Eric; McLaughlin, James; Libonati, Joe; Alam, Jainul; Hornick, Richard B.
Feb-1995Cytokine secretion in acute shigellosis is correlated to disease activity and directed more to stool than to plasmaRaqib, Rubhana; Wretlind, Bengt; Andersson, Jan; Lindberg, Alf A.
Jul-1980Immunobead enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitating immunoglobulin A in human secretions and serumSack, David A.; Neogi, P.K.B.; Alam, Md. Khorshed
Mar-2006Impact of zinc deficiency on vibrio cholerae enterotoxin-stimulated water and electrolyte transport in animal model.Roy, S. Kumar; Tomkins, Andrew M.; Ara, Gulshan; Jolly, S.P.; Wajiha, Khatun; Chowdhury, R.; Chakrabarty, Barnali
Jun-1984Inhibitors of intestinal secretion in man[conference paper]Rabbani, G.H.; Greenough III, W.B.
Sep-2001Iron absorption and gastric acid secretion in Helicobacter pylori-infected Bangladeshi children (abstract)Sarker, S.A.; Davidsson, L.; Hurrel, R.
Aug-1997Noninvasive assessment of gastric acid secretion in man. Application of electrical impedance tomography (EIT)Sarker, Shafiqul A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Bardhan, Pradip K.; Alam, Nur H.; Rabbani, Khandaker S.; Kiber, Adnan; Hassan, Moinuddin; Islam, Shafiqul; Fuchs, George J.; Gyr, Klaus
1-Nov-2007Perfusion studies in cholera: methods and proceduresLoon, FPL van; Gyr, K.; Banik, A.K.
24-Dec-1983Reduction of fluid-loss in cholera by nicotinic acid: a randomised controlled trialRabbani, G.H.; Butler, Thomas; Bardhan, P.K .; Islam, Asma
18-Jul-1984Studies on the secretory effects of cholera toxins on rat jejunum and ileumPatra, F.C.; Al-Mahmud, K.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Alam, K.; Ali, Akbar; Sanyal, S.C.; Greenough III, W.B.
2002Therapeutic modulation of intestinal secretion and inflammation with l-histidine: observations in animals and man [conference paper]Rabbani, G.H.; Sack, D.A.; Peterson, J.W.; Thomas, Peter
Mar-2000Urinary choloyl-PABA excretion in diagnosing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: evaluation of a new noninvasive methodBardhan, Pradip K.; Feger, Alain; Kogon, Manuela; Muller, Jan; Gillessen, Dieter; Beglinger, C.; Gyr, Niklaus