Browse by Subject Infant nutrition disorders

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1996Absorption of macronutrients from a defined semielimental diet containing medium and long chain triglycerides (MCTand Lct) in children with persistent diarrhopea (PD) [abstract]Bardhan, P.K.; Alam, N.H.; Akramuzzaman, S.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Gyr, K.
Feb-1997Absorption of nutrients from an energy-dense diet liquefied with amylase from germinated wheat in infants with acute diarrheaRahman, M. Mujibur; Mitra, A.K.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, M.A.; Khatun, M.; Majid, N.
Mar-1996Acute respiratory infections prevent improvement of vitamin A status in young infants supplemented with vitamin ARahman, MM; Mahalanabis, D,; Alvarez, JO,; Wahed, MA,; Islam, MA,; Habte, D,; Khaled, MA
Jun-1993Can mothers identify malnutrition in their childrenRoy, Swapan Kumar; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Mitra, Amal Krishna; Ali, Mohammad; Alam, Ahmed Nurul; Akbar, Muhammad Serajul
Oct-1993Cell-mediated immune deficiency and malnutrition are independent risk factors for persistent diarrhea in Bangladeshi childrenBaqui, Abdullah H.; Sack, R. Bradley; Black, Robert E.; Chowdhury, Hafizur R.; Yunus, Mohammed; Siddique, Abdul K.
6-Jun-1983Child mortality : social and biological determinantsPebley, Anne R.; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin
Jun-1995Comparison of the modified relative dose response (MRDR) and the relative dose response (RDR) in the assessment of vitamin A status in malnourished childrenWahed, M.A.; Alvarez, Jose O.; Khaled, Muhammad A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Habte, Demisse
1997Complementary feeding in south AsiaRoy, S.K.
26-Feb-1983Consequences of hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in children with acute diarrhoea in BangladeshSamadi, Aziz R.; Wahed, Mohammad A.; Islam, Mohammad R.; Ahmed, Syed M.
Sep-2001Contextualizing malnutrition: cultural perspectives on child feeding and childhood illness in the urban slums of Dhaka [abstract]Blum, L.S.; Nahar, P.
21-Aug-1982A culturally-based nutrition education research-cum action project to improve the feeding of young children in BangladeshRizvi, Najma
Jun-1996Early complementary feeding is associated with low nutritional status of young infants recovering from diarrhoeaHaider, Rukhsana; Islam, Asma; Kabir, Iqbal; Habte, Demissie
Jan-1997Early feeding of an energy dense diet during acute shigellosis enhances growth in malnourished childrenMazumder, Ramendra N.; Hoque, Syed S.; Ashraf, Hasan; Kabir, Iqbal; Wahed, Mohammad A.
20-Jun-1995The effect of antioxidative nutritional intervention on clinical outcome of acute shigellosisKhaled, M.A.; Fuchs, George; Kabir, Iqbal; Ali, Mohammed
Jul-2000The effect of birth interval on malnutrition in Bangladeshi infants and young childrenMozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed Alam; Barkat-E-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Levin, Ann; Ahmed, Shameem
31-Dec-1995Effect of iron supplementation on growth and intestinal permeability of iron-replete and iron-deplete childrenFuchs, George; Islam, M. Aminul; Kelnar, Chris; Wahed, M.A.; Cutting, William
Sep-1997Effect of recurrent infections on vitamin A stores in children recently supplemented with high dose vitamin A[letter]Alvarez, Jose O.; Wahed, Mohammad; Fuchs, George
19-Apr-1984Effect of severe protein energy malnutrition (PEM) on the absorption of macronutrients in Bangladeshi childrenMolla, Ayesha; Molla, A.M.; Khanam, Sultana; Khatun, Makhduma; Majid, N.; Rahman, M. Mujibur
21-Mar-1984Effect of zinc and copper supplementation on the dietary intake and rate of weight-gain in Bangladeshi children rercovering from severe malnutritionKhanum, Sultana; Alam, A.N.; Ali, Akbar; Rahman, M. Mujibur
21-May-1984Effect of zinc supplementation on the utilization of macronutrients in children of BangladeshMolla, Ayesha; Molla, A.M.; Khanam, Sultana; Ali, Akbar