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Showing results 1 to 20 of 107  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2008Achieving the millennium development goals for health and nutrition in Bangladesh: key issues and interventions--an introductionSack, David A.
Sep-2008Achieving the millennium development goals in Bangladesh[editorial]Sack, David A.
14-Mar-2012The acidosis of cholera. Contributions of hyperproteinemia, lactic acidemia, and hyperphosphatemia to an increased serum anion gapWang, Fong; Butler, Thomas; Rabbani, G.H.; Jones, Paul K.
1989Acute lower respiratory infections: a major cause of death in children in BangladeshSpika, John S.; Munshi, M.H.; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Sack, David A.; Hossain, Anwar; Rahman, Mizanur; Saha, Sajal K.
Dec-2007Acute otitis media during the first two years of life in a rural community in Bangladesh: a prospective cohort studyRoy, Eliza; Hasan, Kh. Zahid; Haque, Fazlul; Siddique, A.K.M.; Sack, Richard Bradley
1982Amebic colitis: correlation of proctoscopy before treatment and barium enema after treatmentMartinez, Carlos R.; Gilman, Robert H.; Rabbani, G.H.; Koster, Fred
1989Analysis of motivation to contraceptive use applying the weighting procedureChowdhury, A.I.; Phillips, James F.
1989Anthropometric indicators and risk of deathAlam, Nurul; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Rahaman, M. Mujibur
Jan-1990Ascaris lumbricoides: detecting its metabolites in the urine of infected people using gas-liquid chromatographyHall, Andrew; Romanova, Tatiana
1989Assessment of health programme effects with longitudinal studiesRowland, M.G.M
Aug-1984Association of pneumonia with undernutrition and shigellosisAlam, A.N.; Chowdhury, A.A.K.M.; Kabir, I.A.K.M.; Sarker, S.A.; Rahaman, M.M.
Dec-1989Attachment of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae 01 to various freshwater plants and survival with a filamentous green alga, Rhizoclonium fontanumIslam, Md. Sirajul; Drasar, Bohumil S.; Bradley, David J.
Mar-1991Bacteremia during diarrhea: incidence, etiology, risk factors, and outcomeStruelens, Marc J.; Bennish, Michael L.; Mondal, Gabriel; Wojtyniak, Bogdan J.
Feb-1990Bacterial contamination of weaning foods and drinking water in rural BangladeshHenry, F.J.; Patwary, Y.; Huttly, S.R.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.
May-1990Birth intervals and childhood mortality in rural BangladeshKoenig, Michael A.; Phillips, James F.; Campbell, Oona M.; D'Souza, Stan
Aug-1989Birth-interval dynamics in rural Bangladesh and maternal weightFord, Kathleen; Huffman, Sandra L.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Becker, Stan; Allen, Hubert; Menken, Jane
Sep-1989Breastfeeding improves survival, but not nutritional status, of 12-35 months old children in rural BangladeshBriend, Andre; Bari, Abdul
Mar-1984Campylobacter jejuni diarrhea model in infant chickensSanyal, S.C.; Islam, K.M. N.; Neogy, P.K.B.; Islam, M,; Speelman, P.; Huq, M.I.
Jun-1987Campylobacter: a synopsisRahman, Mahbubur; Akhtar, Saiyeda Qudsiya
Dec-2009The case for investing in typhoid vaccines[editorial]Brooks, W. Abdullah