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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2004Application of the capture-recapture method for estimating number of mobile male sex workers in a port city of BangladeshKhan, Sharful Islam; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Uddin, A.S.M. Jamal
Nov-1997Awareness of sexually transmitted disease among women and service providers in rural BangladeshKhan, Mehrab Ali; Rahman, Mizanur; Khanam, Parveen A.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Ashraf, Ali
2004Baseline HIV/ AIDS survey among youth in BangladeshLarson, Charles P.
Dec-1999Children and HIV/AIDS in BangladeshMahmood, Shakeel A.I.
2004Enhancing access of female injecting drug users in Dhaka to HIV intervention programmesAzim, Tasnim
2007Exploring acceptable and appropriate interventions to promote correct and consistent condom use among youth male clients of hotel-based female sex workers in Dhaka, BangladeshMitra, Dipak Kumar
Sep-2003Health and science bulletin vol. 1 no. 4[Bangla]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
Dec-2013Health and science bulletin vol. 11 no.4[Bangla]International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Mar-2005Health and science bulletin vol. 3 no. 1[English]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
Dec-2009Health and science bulletin vol. 7 no. 4[English]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
Dec-2009Health and science bulletin vol.7 no.4[Bangla]International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
2002HIV/AIDS: where are we now? where is it going ? we have to act nowMahmood, Shakeel Ahmed Ibne; Mahmood, Belal Ahmed Ibne
2002Incidence of HIV, hepatits and syphilis infections and risk behaviour in injecting drug users in Dhaka, BangladeshAzim, Tasnim
2009Inpatient surveillance project for HIV Ward of the Dhaka Hospital of ICDDR,BHenning, Lars
Sep-2002Knowledge on, and attitude toward, HIV/AIDS among staff of an international organization in BangladeshIslam, Mohammad Tajul; Mostafa, Md. Golam; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Hawkes, Sarah; de Francisco, Andres
2001Male sexuality and masculinity implications for STD/HIV and sexual health interventions in BangladeshKhan, Sharful Islam
2005Piloting of respondent driven sampling for integrated HIV and behavioural surveillance among males who have sex with males (MSM) in Dhaka.Azim, Tasnim
Dec-2002Poverty, TB, and HIV infection: the vicious cycleKillewo, Japhet
Jan-2000Prevalence of HIV and syphilis among high-risk groups in Bangladesh[correspondence]Azim, Tasnim; Islam, Mohammad N.; Bogaerts, Jozef; Mian, Mohammad A.H.; Sarkar, Mohammed S.; Fattah, Kazi R.; Simmonds, Peter; Jenkins, Carol; Choudhury, Mahmud R.; Mathan, Vadakenadayil I.
1999Prevalence of treatment failre in due to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone in gonorrhea among Bangladeshi female sex workersRahman, Motiur