Browse by Subject Growth and Development

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-1978Analysis of growth and development data of MeharanKhan, Moslemuddin
Jun-1980Analysis of growth and development data of MeharanKhan, Moslemuddin
1999A community based, randomized, controlled trial to assess the efficacy of iron and/ or Zinc or a micronutrient mix supplementation to reduce anemia and morbidity and to improve growth and development in Bangladeshi infantsBaqui, Abdullah H.; Fuchs, Georgr; Zaman, K; Persson, Lars Ake; Arifeen, Shams El; Hamadini, Jena; Wahed, M.A.; Yunus, Md.; Shahid, Nigar; Chakraborty, J.
Sep-1978Development of milk teeth in rural Meheran children of BangladeshKhan, Moalemuddin; Curlin, George T.
Nov-1981Growth rate and early introduction of weaning foodWilson, K.J.
Jun-1989The impact of experimental zinc deficiency on growth, morbidity and ultrastructural development of intestinal tissueRoy, Swapan K.; Tomkins, Andrew M.
2005Intervening against intrauterine growth restriction in Bangladesh: gene-environment interactionsArifeen, Shams El; Persson, Lars-Ake; Alam, Dewan; Rahman, Motiur
1986Lactational capacity of marginally nourished mothers: Infants' milk nutrient consumption and patterns of growthBrown, Kenneth H.; Robertson, Alastair D.; Akhtar, Naheed Ahmed
Nov-1990Level of mortality and population growth of Bangladesh[abstract]Shaikh, Kashem; Strong, Michael A.
2006Long-term effects of prenatal Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on child development in Bangladeshi childrenHamadani, Jena D.; Tofail, Fahmida
Dec-1968Weight gain from birth to 4.5 years of age in a Sylhet tea garden populaton[abstract]Bairagi, R; Rahman, M.M; Mackay, D.M.