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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Mar-2012The acidosis of cholera. Contributions of hyperproteinemia, lactic acidemia, and hyperphosphatemia to an increased serum anion gapWang, Fong; Butler, Thomas; Rabbani, G.H.; Jones, Paul K.
Jan-1990Acute diarrhoea in expatriates in Bangladesh[reply]van Loon, FPL
1986Citrate can effectively replace bicarbonate in oral rehydration salts for cholera and infantile diarrhoeaIslam, M.R.
19-Aug-1985Comparision of efficacy and digestibility of plantain-salt and rice-salt as home fluid with standard glucose ORS in the management of rehydration in acute diarrhoea in childrenMolla, A.M.; Khapam, Asma; Molla, Ayesha; Eeckels, R.; Greenough III, W.B.
1983A comparision of low (20 mmols) and high (30 mmols) potassium/L oral rehydration solution in childhood diarrhoeam [abstract]Islam, M.R.; Bardhan, P.K.; Ahmed, Syed Masud
1991Effect of antibiotics on food intake and absorption of nutrients for children with diarrhea due to ShigellaMolla, Abdul Majid; Molla, Ayesha Majid
Aug-1968Electrolyte composition of diarrhoeal stool in children-some thoughts on proper replacement therapy[abstract]Rahman, M.M.; Rahman, W.
7-Feb-1995Estimation of absorption of electrolytes and macronutrient between reduced osmolar oral rehydration solutions in children with acute diarrhoeaMazumder, Ramendra N.; Bhattacharya, Mihir K.; Khatoon, Makduma; Khan, Ali M.; Mahalanbis, Dilip; Fuchs, George J.
Mar-1982Feeding during diarrhoea[Annotations]Molla, A.M.
15-Feb-1985Gastric emptying of a rice-powder electrolyte solution and a sucrose electrolyte solution in adult patients with acute choleraMolla, A.M.; Collins, B.J.; Molla, Ayseha; van Loon, F.
1998Intestinal transport of different electrolyte solutions across small intestine of rabbit in vivoIslam, S.; Rahman, A .; Fuchs, G.J.; Chowdhury, A.K.; Wahed, M.A.; Rabbani, G.H.
Oct-1996Intestinal transport of water, sodium and glucose from an electrolyte solution with and without bicarbonateIslam, Sufia; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Chowdhury, Abul Kalam Azad; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam; Wahed, Abdul; Rahman, Abu Syed Mohammed Hamidur
1981New strategy in oral therapy : cereal based, rice poeder electrolyte solution as oral therapy in Diarrhoea due to V. cholerae and E. coli[conference paper]Molla, A.M.; Sarker, S.A.; Hossain, M.; Molla, Ayesha; Greenough, W.B. III
1982New strategy in oral therapy : cereal based, rice powder electrolyte solution as oral therapy in diarrhoea due to V. cholera and E. coli [abstract]Molla, A.M.; Sarker, S.A.; Hossain, M.; Molla, Ayesha; Greenough III, W.B.
1971The optimal oral therapy formula for cholera and cholera -like diarrheas[conference paper]Nalin, D.R.; Cash, R.A.
1965Oral cholera therapy : value of oral infusion of solutions of electrolytes and glycine with and without glucose[conference]Cash, Richard A.; Nalin, David R.
1980Oral therapy in children : a comparative study of 60, 90 and120 m/Mols of sodium/L of Glucose- electrolyte solution[abstract]Islam, M.A.; Bardhan, P.K.; Rahaman, M. M.
1966The pathogenesis of cholera diarrhoea[abstract]Hirschhorn, Norbert
Mar-1979Reduction of general childhood mortality following early oral rehydration by glucos electrolyte solution[conference paper]Rahman, M.
Jul-1967Reduction of stool output in cholera by glucose and electrolyte lavage[conference paper]Hirschhorn, N.; Kinzie, J.L.; Sachar, D.B.; Taylor, J.O.; Northrup, R.S.; Phillips, R.A.