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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2008Achieving the millennium development goals in Bangladesh[editorial]Sack, David A.
1991Antimicrobial therapy for shigellosisSalam, Mohammed A.; Bennish, Michael L.
Jun-2010Calculation of costs of pregnancy- and puerperium-related care: experience from a hospital in a low-income countrySarowar, M.G.; Medin, E.; Gazi, R.; Koehlmoos, T.P.; Rehnberg, C.; Saifi, R.; Bhuiya, A.; Khan, J.
Jul-1967A community study of inapparent cholera infections[conference paper]McCormack, William M.; Mosley, Wiley H.; Fahimuddin, Md.
1992Compliance with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunisation in Bangladesh: factors identifying high risk groupsZeitlyn, Sushila; Rahman, A.K.S. Mahmudur; Nielsen, Birthe H.; Gomes, Momota; Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1989Customs related to childbirth in a rural area of BangladeshIslam, M. Shafiqul; Shahid, Nigar S.; Haque, M. Emdadul; Mostafa, G.
May-1998Demographic, socio-cultural and economic profile of slum residents in Dhaka-City, Bangladesh: health care seeking studiesDesmet, Martinus; Bashir, Ishtiaq; Sohel, Nazmul
1997Determinants of antenatal care-seeking behaviour in rural BanglaedshRahman, Md. Mafizur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Mazumder, Khorshed A.; Reza, Md. Masud
4-Mar-1981Determinants of return-migration in the DSS, MatlabHiltabidle, Helen
May-1990Diarrhoea and catch-up growth [reply]Briend, Andre; Hasan, Kh. Zahid; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, Bilqis A.
6-Jan-1997Effect of zinc supplementation on the immune and inflammatory responses of children to shigella dysenteriae type 1 infection, and correlation with clinical severity of illness and growth following recoveryAzim, Tasnim; Roy, Swapan Kumar; Fuchs, George; Raqib, Rubhana; Islam, Dilara; Alam, Nurul Huq; Wahed, M.A.; Albert, Manuel John; Ferguson, Anne
Jul-1993Effects of biosocial variables on changes in nutritional status of rural Bangladeshi children, pre- and post-monsoon floodingChoudhury, Abu Yusuf; Bhuiya, Abbas
Oct-1993Effects of family sex composition on fertility preference and behaviour in rural BangladeshChowdhury, A.I.; Bairagi, Radheshyam; Koenig, Michael A.
Mar-1992Employment in family planning and women's status in BangladeshSimmons, Ruth; Mita, Rezina; Koenig, Michael A.
Jun-1993Energy dense porridge liquified by amylase of germinated wheat: use in infants with diarrhoeaMahalanabis, Dilip; Faruque, A.S.G.; Wahed, M.A.
1986Follow-up of children discharged from hospital after treatment for diarrhoea in urban BangladeshStanton, Bonita; Clemens, John; Khair, Taikera; Shahid, Nigar S.
Mar-2009Health and science bulletin vol. 7 no. 1 [Bangla]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Mar-2009Health and science bulletin vol.7 no.1 [English]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
Jun-1996How are the social sciences helping empower the poor to promote their own health and developmentPerry, Henery B.
1986The impact of acute diarrhoea of different aetiologies on food intake in children.Molla, A.M.; Molla, Ayesha; Rahaman, Mujibur