Browse by Subject Contraceptive behavior

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Charging for FP-MCH commodities and services : midterm evaluationLevin, Ann; Amin, M. Ahsanul; Rahman, M. Anisur; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1996Clinic waste disposal in the rural family planning progamme of BangladeshMirza, Tanjina; Ashraf, Ali; Kabir, Humayun; Wajed, Abdul; Ahmed, Jasimuddin
25-Jun-1984The contraceptive behavior, fertility dynamics, and health services utilization study, MatlabPhillips, James F.; Akbar, Jalaluddin; Mozumder, Khorshed Alam; Koblinsky, Marjorie; Chowdhury, Alauddin
Jan-1982Contraceptive intentions and subsequent behavior in rural BangladeshBhatia, S.
1996Determinants of contraceptive method -choice in rural BangladeshKhan, M. Mehrab Ali; Rahman, Mizanur
1997Factors associated with reported side-effects of oral pills and injectables inrural BangladeshRahman, Mizanur; Khan, Mehrab A.; Caldwell, Bruce K.; Kane, Thomas T.
1996Gender composition of surviving children and contraceptive use in BanglaedshMozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed Alam; Sarker, Afzal Hossain; Barkat-e-Khuda; Rahman, D.M. Mizanur
1996The impact of outreach on the contunity of contraceptive use in rural BangladeshHossain, Mian Bazle; Phillips, James F.
1997Induced abortion : results from two rural areas of BangladeshAhmed, Shameem; Parveen, Sadia D.; Islam, Ariful; Khanum, Parveen A.
1997Strenghtening outreach sites through an approach conbining satellite clinics withextended proramme on immuization (EPI)Hasan, Yousuf; Barkat-e-Khuda; Levin, Ann