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Showing results 1 to 20 of 237  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Alternative ways to feed infants : knowledge and views of men and women in the slums of Dhaka citySalway, Sarah; Nahar, Quamrun; Ishaque, Mohammed
Dec-1986Anotated bibliography on water, sanitation and diarrhoeal diseases: roles and relationships/ K M A Aziz, M Shamsul Islam Khan, Arifuzzaman KhanAziz, K M A; Khan, M Shamsul Islam; Khan, Arifuzzaman
1996An assessment of health and planning needs in rural Chittagong, vol. 1Rahman, Mizanur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle
1996An assessment of health and planning needs in rural Chittagong, vol. 2Rahman, Mizanur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle
1999Can medicine - sellers in pharmacies meet the needs of STD clints : observations from an urban area of BangladeshRahman, Saifur; Ahmed, Mohsin Uddin; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem
2000Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh : an update [book chapter]Baqui, Abdullah H.; Al-Sabir, Ahmed; Begum, Nazma; Arifeen, Shams El; Mitra, S.N.; Black, Robert E.
9-Nov-1980The community health services project, MatlabPhillips, James F.; Rahman, Makhlisur; Claquin, P.
1-May-1983The community health services project, Matlab (Morbidity survellanceGiasuddin, Md.; Jahan, Nasrin; Zimicki, Susan; Yunus, Md.
14-Dec-1981The community health services projects, Matlab (The MCH COmponent)Phillips, James F.; Rahman, Makhlisur; Claquin, P.; Akbar, Jalaluddin
1999Community-based Protocolised Management of Severe MalnutritionFuchs, George
2003A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: interactions between iron and zincLind, Torbjorn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Ismail, Djsuhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake
Dec-1998A comprehensive assessment of the quality of immunization services in one major area of Dhaka City, BangladeshPerry, Henery; Weierbach, Robert; El-Arifeen, Shams; Hossain, Iqbal
1999A comprehensive assessment of the quality of services provided by family planning field workers in one major area of Dhaka city, BangladeshPerry, Henry B.; Begum, Suraiya; Begum, Anwara; Kane, Thomas T.; Quaiyum, M. Abdul; Baqui, Abdullah H.
1994A cost-effectiveness analysis of the Matlab Family Planning -health Services 1978-85Balk, Deborah; Simmons, George B.; Faiz, Khodezatul
1983Cost-effectiveness and user characteristics of clinic based services for the treatment of diarrhea: a case study in BangladeshHorton, Susan; Claquin, Pierre
2000Cost-effectiveness of modified algorithm used in syndromic management of vaginal discharge in semi-high risk population in Dhaka (abstract)Ali, Disha; Khan, M. Mahmud; Sarker, Malabika
Sep-2001A cost-minimization approach to planning the geographical distribution of health facilitiesKhan, M. Mahmud; Ali, Disha; Ferdousy, Zohra; Al-Mamun, Abdullah
Jul-1998Costing of the BINP activities at the community levelKhan, M. Mahmud
Jul-2001Current expenditure and willingness-to-pay for health services in publicsector facilities : evidence from rural households in Bangladesh[abstract]Routh, Subrata; Saha, Nirod
Dec-1997Decline in maternal mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh: a cautionary taleRonsmans, Carine; Vanneste, Anne Marie; Chakraborty, Jyostsnamoy; van Ginneken, Jetorn