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Showing results 1 to 20 of 50  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Achieving sustainability of health and family planning services[book chapter]Kane, Thomas T.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Levin, Ann; Hasan, Yousuf; Rahman, Mizanur
1989Acute lower respiratory infections: a major cause of death in children in BangladeshSpika, John S.; Munshi, M.H.; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Sack, David A.; Hossain, Anwar; Rahman, Mizanur; Saha, Sajal K.
1996Assessment of quality of the MCH-FP services provided by field workers in Zone 3 of Dhaka city and strategies for improvementPerry, Henery B.; Begum, Suraiya; Begum, Anwara; Kane, Thomas Trudeau; Quaiyum, Md. Abdul; Baqui, Abdullah H.
2001Communi9ty-based epidemiologic study of visceral leishmaniasis in BangladeshWagatsuma, Yukiko; Bern, Caryn; Talukdar, Kanak Ranjan; Breiman, Robert
Jan-1980The community health services project, MatlabPhillips, James P.; Rahman, Makhlisur; Claquin, P.
May-1983The community health services project, Matlab (Morbidity Surveillance)Giasuddin, Md.; Jahan, Nasrin; Zimicki, Susan; Yunus, Md.
22-Aug-1985Community health services project, Matlab: the revised MCH-FP services and record keeping systemRowland, M.G.H.; Chakraborty, J.; Koening, M.; Zaman, K.; Yunus, Md.; Bhatia, S.
Jul-1967A community study of inapparent cholera infections[conference paper]McCormack, William M.; Mosley, Wiley H.; Fahimuddin, Md.
2000Community-based interventions to reduce neonatal mortality in BangladeshArifeen, Shams El
Jan-1982The comunity health services project, matlab (The MCH Component)Phillips, James F.; Rahman, Makhlisur; Claquin, P.; Akbar, Jalaluddin
2007Costs community-based protocolized management of severly malnourished children at selected NGO clinics in Dhaka, BangladeshIslam, Ziaul; Osinski, Petra; Hossain, Sk. Shahed; Khanam, Rasheda; Anwar, Shahela; Saha, Nirod Chandra; Alam, Khorshed
Jun-2009Cultural theories of postpartum bleeding in Matlab, Bangladesh: implications for community health interventionSibley, Lynn M.; Hruschka, Daniel; Kalim, Nahid; Khan, Jasmin; Paul, Moni; Edmonds, Joyce K.; Koblinsky, Marjorie A.
1997The delivery of maternal, child health and family planning services through cluster visitation[book chapter]Amin, S.M. Khairul; Ashraf, Ali; Islam, Dilara
1997Developing fixed service sites[book chapter]Ahmed, S.; Hasan, Y.; Phillips, James F.
1999An economic appraisal of alternative strategies for delivery of MCH-FP services in Urban Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
2006Effectiveness of a community-based responsive feeding programAboud, Frances E; Ahmed, Tahmeed
2001Etiology, prevention and treatment of neonatal infections in the communityArifeen, Shams El
2001Functioning of thana functional improvement pilot project : perspectives of managers, service providers, clints, and communityGazi, Rukhsana; Uddin, A.H. Nowsher; Nazrul, Hazera
2006Future health systems - making health systems work for the poor, Phase I: situation of health services in Chakaria BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Iqbal, M
Jun-2010The growing need for service provision for people living with HIV in Bangladesh[editorial]Pietroni, Mark; Azim, Tasnim