Browse by Subject Cholera toxin

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-1998Analysis of clinical and environmental strains of nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae for susceptibility to CTXPhi: molecular basis for origination of new strains with epidemic potentialFaruque, Shah M.; Asadulghani; Saha, Manujendra N.; Alim, A. R. M. Abdul; Albert, M. John; Islam, K.M. Nasirul; Mekalanos, John J.
Jun-1985Annotated bibliography on classical vibrio cholerae/ K M S AzizAziz, K M S
2003Antigen-specific immunoglobulin A antibodies secreted from circulating B cells are an effective marker for recent local immune responses in patients with cholera: comparison to antibody-secreting cell responses and other immunological markersQadri, Firdausi; Ryan, Edward T.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Ahmed, Firoz; Khan, Ashraful Islam; Islam, M. Munirul; Akramuzzaman, Syed M.; Sack, David A.; Calderwood, Stephen B.
1975Antitoxin and vibriocidal responses in the toxoid field trial serologic survey[abstract]Curlin, George; Ahmed, Ansaruddin
20-Jun-1980Aspirin as an antisecretory agents: a clinical trial in choleraKhanam, Asma; Islam, M.R.; Bardhan, P.K.
17-Mar-1986Assessment of antitozic immunity conferred by the oral whole cell B-subunit cholera vaccine against non-01 vibrionaceaeKay, Bradford A.; Ciznar, Ivan; Barris, Jeff R.; Clemence, John D.
17-Jul-1980B subunit blocking of cholera toxin in family contracts of cholera patientsGlass, Roger; Holmgren, Jan; Greenough, W.B.
Sep-1980B subunit blocking of cholera toxin in family contracts of cholera patientsGlass, Roger; Holmgren, Jan; Greenough, W.B.
Oct-1980Binding of intraluminal toxin in cholera: trial of GM1 ganglioside charcoalStoll, Barbara J.; Holmgren, Jan; Bardhan, P.K.; Huq, Imdadul; Greenough, William B. III; Fredman, Pam; Svennerholm, Lars
Dec-1982Cellulose GM1 binding of cholera toxin in family contacts of cholera patientsHossain, M.M.; Glass, Roger; Holmgren, Jan; Greenough III, W.B.; Stoll, B.J.; Khan, M.U.; Huq, M.I.
11-Nov-1982Cellulose GMI binding of cholera toxin in family contracts of cholera patientsHossain, M.M.; Glass, Roger; Holmgren, J.; Greenough, W.B.; Stoll, B.J.; Khan, M.U.; Huq, M.I.
4-Dec-1980Characterization of isolates of campylobacter jejuni from patients, asymptomatic carriers and animalsAkhtar, S.Q.; Glass, R.
Oct-1995Characterization of Vibrio cgolerae non-O1 serogroups obtained from an outbreak of diarrhea in Lima, PeruDalsgaard, A.; Albert, M. John; Taylor, D.N.; Shimada, T.; Meza, R.; Serichantalergs, O.; Echeverria, P.
Mar-1973Cholera antitoxin titrations: a comparative study of fat-cell, ileal-loop, and rabbit-skin assaysCurlin, George T.; Mosley, Wiley Henry; Greenough, William B. 3rd
Dec-1974Cholera like toxic effect of culture filtrates of escherichia coliNalin, David R.; Bhattacharjee, Apurba K.; Richardson, Stephen H.
Oct-1974Cholera toxide boots serum coli antitoxin in humansNalin, David R.; Al-Mahmud, A.; Curlin, G.; Ahmed, A.; Peterson, J.
1997Cholera toxin stimulates glucose absorption from rabbit intestineBhattacharya, M.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Mazumder, R.N.; Khan, M.A.; Hossain, M.; Fuchs, G.J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1971Cholera toxin stimulation of rat lipocyte adenyl cyclase activity(abstract)Curlin, George T.
Jul-1996Clinical features, antimicrobial susceptibility and toxin production in Vibrio cholerae O139 infection: comparison with V. cholerae O1 infectionDhar, Ujjwal; Bennish, Michael L.; Khan, Wasif Ali; Seas, Carllos; Huq, Eradul Khan; Albert, M. John; Salam, Mohammed Abdus
21-Aug-1978Clinical trial of charocoal GM1 ganglioside in cholera and Escherichia coli enterotoxin diarrheaGreenough III, W.B.; Holmgren, Jan; Sevennerholm, Lars