Browse by Subject Cholera Toxin

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1985CholeraRabbani, G.H.
Jul-1990Effect of various biophysicochemical conditions on toxigenicity of Vibrio cholerae 01 during survival with a green alga, Rhizoclonium fontanum, in an artificial aquatic environmentIslam, M.S.
Dec-1980Evaluation of a modified elek test for detection of heat labile LT toxin of enterotoxigenic E. coli in field laboratoriesHonda, Takeshi; Akhtar, S. Qudsiya; Glass, Roger
Apr-1986Frequency of toxin producing strains among vibrio mimicus isolates from environments and patients in Bangladesh[abstract]Chowdhury, M.A.R.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Rahim, Z.; Kay, B.A.
Mar-1978Immunological aspetcs of a cholera toxoid field trial in BangladeshCurlin, George T.; Levine, Richard J.; Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M.; Verwey, Willard F.
1990Increased toxin production by Vibrio cholerae O1 during survival with a green alga, Rhizoclonium fontanum, in an artificial aquatic environmentIslam, Mohammad Sirajul
7-Sep-1979Local and systemic antibody response in human after immunization with cholera B subunit antigenSvennerholm, Ann-Mari
Sep-1979Local and systemic antibody response in humans after immunization with cholera B subunit antigenSvennerholm, Ann-Mari
Apr-1990Long-term persistence of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae 01 in the mucilaginous sheath of a blue-green alga, Anabaena variabilisIslam, Md. Sirajul; Drasar, B.S.; Bradley, D.J.
Jul-1979Report on reactigencity and immunogenicity of welcome cholera toxoids in Bangladeshi volunteersBlack, Robert E.; Yunus, Md.; Eusof, Abu; Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Khan, M.R.; Sack, David A.
1991Toxigenicity and toxin genes of vibrio cholerae 01 isolated from an artificial aquatic environment [short communication]Islam, S.