Browse by Subject Child welfare

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Community-based study of bronchial asthma among children in urban slum in Dhaka, BangladeshWagatsuma, Yukiko; Takeuchi, Haruko; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Brooks, Abdullah
2000COsting of the integrated management of childhood illeness in Bangladesh : a study based on Matlab data [research paper]Khan, M. Mahmud; Saha, Kuntal K.; Ahmed, Shakil
2003Death from drowning: defining a new challenge for child survival in BangladeshHyder, Adnan A.; Arifeen, Shams; Begum, Nazma; Fishman, Steven; Wali, Salman; Baqui, Abdullah H.
2004Effectiveness of the Community-IMCI and Community-IMCI with ARI emphasis intervention models in increasing rates of correct ARI treatment and appropriate referral in NSDP program areas in rural BangladeshArifeen, Shams El
2003Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of acute diarrhea with emphasis on Entamoeba histolytica infections in preschool children in an urban slum of Dhaka, BangladeshHaque, Rashidul; Mondal, Dinesh; Kirkpatrick, Beth D.; Akther, Selim; Farr, Barry M.; Sack, R. Bradley; Petri, William A. Jr
1985Estimation of lactose mallabsorption by breath hydrogen test in children with acute diarrhoea due to different aetiologies [abstract]Molla, A.; Molla, A.M.; Sarker, S.A.; Khatun, M.; Jahan, F.
2003Knowledge into action for child survivalClaeson, M.; Gillespie, D.; Mshinda, H.; Troedsson, H.; Victora, C.G.; Bellagio Study Group on Child Survival
2009Reducing the risk of ALRI by improving indoor air pollution (IAP)Rabbani, G. H.
1994Socio-economic and demographic correlates of child health and mortality in Matlab[book chapter]Bhuiya, Abbas; D'Souza, Stan
22-Jan-1994A study of health related behaviour among the primary school childrenHaq, Muhammad Nazmul; Ahmed, Farooque