Browse by Subject Child survival

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-1997Adverse effects of next birth, gender, and family composition on child survival in rural BangladeshMuhuri, Pradip K.; Menken, Jane
2001Bangladesh : an intervention study of factors underlying increasing equity in child survivalBhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Ahmed, Faruque; Adams, Alayne M.
Apr-1994Breast-feeding and child survival in Matlab, BangladeshShahidullah, M.
Mar-1999Effects of environmental factors on child survival in Bangladesh ; a case control stuyHoque, B.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Chowdhury, J.T.A.; Chowdhury, U.K.; Ali, M.; Arifeen, S.El; Sack, R.B.
8-May-1990Environment and child survival in rural BangladeshHoque, Bilquis Amin; Yunus, M.; Strong, M.; Chakrabarty; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Fauveau, A. Briend V.
9-Aug-1994Environment and child survival: safe household intervention in BangladeshHoque, Bilqis A.; Bokhs, Khoda; Mahmood, Qamruzzaman; Aziz, K.M.A.; Baqui, A.H.; Sack, R. Bradley
22-Jul-1986Factors effecting child survival in Matlab, BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas
11-Jul-1990Focus on maternal education and child survival: the rold of focus groups as a tool in comparative researchParker, Barbara; Silimperi, Diana
30-Aug-1990Health behaviour and practice in a rural community in BangladeshMajumder, Abul Kashem; Islam, S.M. Shafiqul; Bhuiya, Abbas
Dec-1995Health programs, maternal education and differential child mortality in Matlab, BangladeshMuhuri, Pradip K.
1-Aug-1988Maternal education and child care: a study on mechanisms of impact in urban and rural areasSilimperi, Diana R.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, K.Z.; Khatun, Khodeza; Parker, Barbara
1989Potential reductions in infant and child mortality through immunisation programmes: evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh[conference paper]Koenig, Michael A.; Fauveau, Vincent; Wojtyniak, Bogdan
Mar-1995Pregnancy outcome and child survival among divorced women in Matlab, Bangladesh[abstract]Bhuiya, Abbas; Chowdhury, A.M.R.
Apr-1996Relationship between survival status of first child and subsequent child deathRahman, M.M.; Kabir, M.; Amin, R.