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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-1978Absorption of foods during attack of diarrhoea in childrenMolla, A.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Molla, Ayesha; Rahman, M. Mujibur
Aug-1997Absorption of macronutrients and nitrogen balance in children with dysentery fed an amylase treated energy-densy porridge[abstract]Rahman, Mohammad M.
Sep-1980Absorption of macronutrients from a rice-vegetable diet before and after treatment of ascariasis in childrenBrown, Kenneth H.; Gilman, Robert H.; Khatun, M. D. Makhduma; Ahmed, Md. Giashuddin
Apr-1982Acceptability and digestiaility of a wheat syrupAlam, Ahmed Nurul; Khanam, Sultana; Molla, Ayesha; Rahaman, M. Mujibur
Feb-1985Acceptability and digestibility of a wheat syrumAlam, A.N.; Khanam, S.; Khatun, A.; Molla, A.; Rahman, M. Mujibur
1996Alternative ways to feed infants : knowledge and views of men and women in the slums of Dhaka citySalway, Sarah; Nahar, Quamrun; Ishaque, Mohammed
2003ASCODD X : Improving child health and nutrition : abstracts book [of the] 10th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka, 7-9 December 2003 / editors: M. Shamsul Islam Khan, M.A. Rahim, M.A. SalamInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
2002[ASCON X] : "Malnutrition : meeting the challenges in South Asia" [programme and abstracts of the] 10th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON) ICDDR,B, Dhaka, 11-13 June 2002 / Peter Thorpe, M.A. Rahim, S.K. Roy, editors ; M. Shamsul Islam Khan, chief editorInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Jun-1993The baby friendly hospital initiative and activities in Bangladesh[review articles]Haider, Rukhsana
Mar-1998Biochemical evidence of selected micronutrients defficiences in children living in urban slumWahed, M.A.; Haque, Rashidul; Rahman, Hamidur; Jahan, F.; Ahmed, T.; Albert, M.John; Alvarez, J.O.
26-Mar-1988Breast feeding, nutritional state, and child survival in rural BangladeshBriend, Andre; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Rowland, Michael G.
Apr-2001Characteristics of adopted young children in urban slums of Bangladesh[abstract]Sarkar, N.R.; Faruque, A.S.G.
1986Childhood survival in rural Bangladesh: a multivariate logistic regression analysis[abstract]Chowdhury, M.K.; Gupta, V.M.; Bairagi, R.
Nov-1982Consumption of foods and nutrients by weanlings in rural BangladeshBrown, Kenneth H.; Black, Robert E.; Becker, Stan; Nahar, Shamsun; Sawyer, John
Jun-1988Decreased gastric acid secretion and bacterial colonization of the stomach in severely malnourished Bangladeshi childrenGilman, Robert H.; Partanen, Raija; Brown, Kenneth H.; Spira, William M.; Khanam, Sultana; Greenberg, Barbara; Bloom, Stephen R.; Ali, Akbar
1992Development and implementation of nutrition education strategy for promotion of Beta-carotene rich foods as a source of vitamin A in childrenAziz, K.M.A.; Islam, M.S.; Sack, R.B.; Yunus, M.; Chowdhury, A.I.
1992Development and implementation of nutrition education strategy for promotion of beta-carotene rich foods as a source of vitamin A in childrenAziz, K.M.A.; Islam, M.S.; Sack, R.B.
Aug-1981Dynamics of nutrition, diarrhoeal diseases and mortality of children in rural BangladeshBairagi, Radheshyam; Chowdhury, Mridul K.
29-Mar-1982Dynamics of nutrition, diarrhoeal diseases and mortality of children in rural BangladeshBairagi, Radheshyam; Chowdhury, Mridul K.
Mar-2001Effect of B-carotene supplementation and anthelmintic therapy on vitamin A status in preschool children in Bangladesh [abstract]Wahed, M.A.; Rashidul, Haque; Rahman, Hamidur A.S.M.; Ahmed, Tanvir; Albert, John J.