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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983A comparision of low (20 mmols) and high (30 mmols) potassium/L oral rehydration solution in childhood diarrhoeam [abstract]Islam, M.R.; Bardhan, P.K.; Ahmed, Syed Masud
1998Demand for child curative care in two rural Thanas of Bangladesh : effects of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M. Anisur; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
Nov-1978The demographic impact of sterilixation in the Matlab village - based MCH-FP programOsteria, T.; Bhatia, S.; Chakraborty, J.; Chowdhury, A.I.
Mar-1992Emergence of multi-drug-resistant salmonella typhi : a need for therapeutic reappraisalKhan, M.R.; Hoque, S.S.
2002Energy intake and expenditure of obese and non-obese urban Bangladeshi childrenRahman, S.M.M.; Kabir, I.; Akter, B.M.D.; Begum, H.A.; Khaled, M.A.; Rashid, H.A.; Bhuyan, M.A.H.; Malek, M.A.; Khan, M.R.
7-Jul-1985Evaluation of monthly ARM circumference measurement as a simple method for selection of malnurished children with a high risk of death in the 6-36 months age groupBriend, A.; Chakraborty, J.; Sarder, A.M.; Yunus, M.; Wojtyniak, B.; Rowland, M.G.M.; Koeing, M.
18-Oct-1984Evaluation of the risk of death by nutritional status in children admitted in ICDDR,B hospitalBriend, A.; Dykewicz, C.; Majumder, Ramendra Nath; Bennish, M.
22-Jul-1986Factors effecting child survival in Matlab, BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas
11-Jul-1990Focus on maternal education and child survival: the rold of focus groups as a tool in comparative researchParker, Barbara; Silimperi, Diana
2009Formative research on maternal, neonatal, and child care knowledge and practices among indigenous peoples of Bandarban and Sunamgonj districts in BangladeshAli, Nabeel Ashraf
4-Sep-2007How will the scaling up of zinc for treatment of childhood diarrhoea affect caretakers practicesLarson, Charles P.
Feb-1997Impact of birth care practices on neonatal mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh[conference paper]Mostafa, Golam; Rahamn, Mizanur
Jul-1995Impact of zinc supplementation on subsequent growth, morbidity and mortality in Bangladeshi children with the persistent diarrhoea syndrome (PDS) [abstract]Akramuzzaman, S.M.; Roy, S.K.; Tomkins, A.M.; Haider, R.; Behrens, R.H.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
Jul-1979Indigenous birth practices in rural Bangladesh and their implications for a maternal and child health programmeBhatia, Shushum; Chakraborty, J.; Faruque, A.S.G
2001The integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) : is this integration towards another vertical programme : a concern for systemic changes for implementing integrated case managementSaha, Kuntal Kumar
Jul-1993Maternal and child health services: evaluating mothers' perceptions and participationIslam, M. Aminul; Nielsen, C.C.
1-Aug-1988Maternal education and child care: a study on mechanisms of impact in urban and rural areasSilimperi, Diana R.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, K.Z.; Khatun, Khodeza; Parker, Barbara
Jun-1991Mortality reductions from measles and tetanus immunization : a review of the evidence[book chapter]Koenig, Michael A.
1992A nine-month old malnourished baby girl presenting with shigellosis, pneumonia and shockHoque, Syed Samiul; Islam, Moyenul; Khan, M.R.
2000Risk Factors and Gender Differentials for Death among Children Hospitalized with Diarrhoea in BangladeshMitra, Amal K.; Rahman, Mohammad M.; Fuchs, George J.