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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Characterization of filamentous phages of Vibrio cholerae O139 and O1Ehara, Masahiko; Shimodori K, Shoichi; Kojima, Fumiko; Ichinose, Yoshio; Hirayama, Toshiya; Albert, M.John; Supawat, Krongkaew; Honma, Yasuko; Iwanaga, Massaki; Amako, Kazunobu
Dec-1996Cloning and sequence of a region of Vibrio cholerae O139 Bengal and its use in PCR-based detectionFalklind, Susanna; Stark, Malin; Albert, M. John; Uhlén, Mathias; Lundeberg, Joakim; Weintraub, Andrej
1992Detection of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and Shigella flexneri in feces by immunomagnetic isolation and polymerase chain reactionIslam, D.; Lindberg, A.A.
Apr-1992DNA probe analysis of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli: detection of EAF-positive isolates of traditional enteropathogenic E. coli serotypes among Bangladeshi paediatric diarrhoea patientsStrockbine, Nancy A.; Faruque, Shah M.; Kay, Bradford A.; Haider, Khaleda; Alam, Khorshed; Alam, A.N.; Tzipori, Saul; Wachsmuth, I. Kaye
Oct-1995Genetic rearrangements in the rfb regions of Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139Stroeher, Uwe H.; Jedani, Kathy E.; Dredge, B. Kate; Morona, Renato; Brown, Melissa H.; Karageorgos, Litsa E.; Albert, M. John; Manning, Paul A.
1992Identification of a myosin heavy chain gene from Entamoeba histolyticaArhets, P.; Rahim, Z.; Raymond-Denise, A.; Sansonetti, P.; Guillén, N.
Mar-1993Localization of myosin heavy chain A in the human pathogen Entamoeba histolyticaRahim, Zeaur; Raymond-Denise, Agnes; Sansonetti, Philippe; Guillen, Nancy
Jul-1984Persistence of plasmids, cholera toxin genes, and prophage DNA in classical Vibrio cholerae O1Cook, Warren L.; Wachsmuth, Kaya; Johnson, Steven R.; Birkness, Kristin A.; Samadi, A.R.
1995Prevalence and association of the longus pilus structural gene (lngA) with colonization factor antigens, enterotoxin types, and serotypes of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coliGirón, Jorge A.; Viboud, Gloria I.; Sperandio, Vanessa; Gómez-Duarte, Oscar G.; Maneval, David R.; Albert, M. John; Levine, Myron M.; Kaper, James B.