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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986Abundance of coliform bacteria in the river sediment at three sampling stations on the Buriganga riverMorshed, M.G.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Islam, M.S.; Khan, M.R.
1986Aeromonoas spp. and other indicatoer bacteria in some water environment of thailand[abstract]Rahim, Zeaur; Suthienkul, O.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Echeverria, P.
Apr-1983Antibiotic-resistant enterobacteria in river and pond water in DhakaMutanda, L.N.; Khan, M. Rahman; Atiq, Nilofer; Kibriya, A.K.M. Golam
1988Bacterial overgrowth by indigenous microflora in the phytohemagglutinin-fed ratBanwell, J.G.; Howard, R.; Kabir, I.; Costerton, J.W.
Dec-1968Bacteriophage prophyaxis in families of cholera patients[abstract]Huq, Zahidul
1985A comparative study of coliform bacteria in fresh, brakish and marine water at Teknaf [abstract]Morshed, M.G.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Rahaman, M.M.; Hossain, A.; Munshi, M.M.H.
1977Environmental epidemiology : II. ecological studies on vibrio sp. in canal and tank environmentsSpira, W.M.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Verwey, W.F.
1986An evaluation of the pooling method for detecting enterotoxigenic escherichia coliMonsur, K.A.; Kay, Bradford A.; Miah, A. Latif; Begum, Y.A.
15-Nov-1977Fecal coliforms and fecal streptoecol as indicators of fecal contamination of water sources in rural BangladeshSpira, William; Briscoe, John
Sep-1998The growing antibiotic resistance : a crisis needs rational use of antibioticsRahman, Mizanur; Rahman, ATM Azizur
1-Nov-1989Identification of enteric pathogens using specific DNA probes as an aid to clinical and epidemiological investigationsFaruque, Shah M.; Ahmed, Qazi Shafi; Alim, A.R.M. Abdul; Ahmed, Zia Uddin; Tzipori, S.
Jul-1988Interethnic variation in the metabolic inactivation of digoxin by the gut floraAlam, A.N.; Saha, Jnan R.; Dobkin, Jay F.; Lindenbaum, John
Aug-1968Intestinal bacterial flora in normal healthy adults of East Pakistan[abstract]Rahman, R.; Dey, C.R.; Kibryia, G.; Huq, M.I.
May-1982Inveatigation of the extent of fecal pollution by enumeration of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococciRahim, Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Huq, Imdadul; Islam, Md. Sirajul
2-Apr-1982Investigation of the extent of fecal pollution by enumeration of fecal coliforms and fecal streptocococciRahim, Md. Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Huq, Md. Imdadul; Islam, Md. Sirajul
Dec-1984Isolation of enterotoxigenic aeromonas hydrophila from fish[abstract]Rahim, Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.
Mar-1982A possible role of copepods in the ecology vibrio cholerae electron mircoscope central facility [abstract]Huq, Anwarul; Small, Eugene B.; Colwell, Rira R.
1985A preliminary survey of the relative abundance of fecal coliform bacteria in water and sediment and in the fresh water bivalve, lamellidens marginalis, of the Buriganga river, Bangladesh[short comunication]]Rahim, Zeaur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Islam, Sirajul; Huq, M.I.
Dec-1991Prevalence of fecal coliform in isolated ponds in a village-setting[short comminication]Alam, Munirul; Khan, S.I.; Huq, Anwarul
7-Mar-1991The role of anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria in diarrhoeal and persistent diarrhoeal illness in Bangladeshi populationAkhter, S.Q.; Datta, D.; Neogi, P.K.B.; Islam, M. Moyenul