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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003ASCODD X : Improving child health and nutrition : abstracts book [of the] 10th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka, 7-9 December 2003 / editors: M. Shamsul Islam Khan, M.A. Rahim, M.A. SalamInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
1968Asiatic cholera (with emphasis on pathophysiological effects of the diseases)Philips, Robbert Allan
1983Asporin as an antisecretory agent : a clinical trial in cholera patients [abstract]Islam, Asma
2005Cholera across scales: oceanic links to climate and local estuarine influencesYunus, Md.
Sep-1985Diarrhoeal disease information service network in Asia : problems and prospectsKhan, M. Shamsul Islam
1985Effect of zinc sulpplementation on the dietary intake and rate of weight-gain in Bangladesh children recovering from severe malnutrition [abstract]Khanum, S.; Alam, A.N.; Ali, M.A.; Anwar, M.I.; Rahaman, M.M.
1985Emengence of multiresistant epidemic strain of shigella dysenteriae type 1 in 1984 at Teknaf : a costal area of Bangladesh [abstract]Hossain, A.; Rahaman, M.M.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Morshed, G.; Munshi, M.H.
Oct-1983Identification of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in patients with diarrhea in Asia with three enterotoxin gene probesSeriwatana, Jitvimol; Echeverria, Peter; Escamilla, Joel; Glass, Roger; Huq, Imdadul; Rockhill, Robert; Stoll, Barbara J.
1985Investigation of a common source food borne outbreak [abstract]Eusof, A.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Rahaman, M.M.; Takeda, Y.; Siddique, A.K.; Ahmed, Q.S.
1985Plasmid and genetic probe analysis of enterotoxigenic E. coli strains (ETEC) isolated in the united states and in Asia[book chapter]Wachsmuth, I. Kaye; DeBoy, John M.; Birkness, Kristin A.; Sack, David A.; Moseley, Steven L.; Wells, Joy G.
1992Plasmid profile of shigella dysenteriae type 1 : a potentially useful marker to discriminate from other species of shigella [abstract]Haider, K.; Huq, M.I.; Hossain, A.; Shahid, N.S.
1981Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Disease Februrary 16-20, 1981 Dacca, Banglaedsh-
Apr-1990Trimethoprim resistance gene in Shigella dysenteriae 1 isolates obtained from widely scattered locations of AsiaHaider, K.; Chatkaeomorakot, A.; Kay, B.A.; Talukder, K.A.; Taylor, D.N.; Echeverria, P.; Sack, D.A.
1991Unusual association of a plasmid with nalidixic acid resistance in an epidemic strain of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 from AsiaAshraf, M. Musharraf; Ahmed, Zia U.; Sack, David A.
1997Zinc and health in South Asia; book of abstracts and programme; Regional Zinc Symposium & Workshop, Dhaka, 15-16 May 1997.International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh